First of all, I want to know who planned the weather out for this workshop? LOL. My word, it couldn't have been a more dreary, rainy couple of days, but fortunately for me, there was a wonderful group of women in attendance AND we had a SUPER cute baby boy to work with. 

Some behind the scenes pics (I always love these!):

And then I really lurve this snap from Bekah...

...mostly 'cuz I think the backlight makes me look skinny ;-)

By the way, we are *still* looking for a family in Austin that can do this for us on March 30th. We've received several applications, but we need options. You never know, you might get a free session from me! If you live in Austin and are expecting a baby within the next few weeks, PLEASE fill out this form.

I'll be back soon with images from the in-home session and I also can't wait to show you some pics that the attendees took (can't wait to brag on them and how well they did during some yucky, yucky weather ;-).
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I started shooting in 2006. That seems like eons ago when I compare my style back then to how I shoot today. I've learned SO much since that time, mostly through trial and error. But boy, it sure would have been nice if I had had a little more personal help along the way. 

I decided to dig up what used to be one of my most favorite images of my middle bear cub. I loved his look...I loved how grown up he looked...lost in thought, but ohhhhh, if I had a do-over with this shot, I would have done so many things differently. The version on the left shows my editing style back in the old days ;-); the one on the right shows you how I would have edited the image a little differently (wish I still had the RAW file, actually, so I could edit effectively in Lightroom). I do think I chose a great moment to capture and a great focal length, but if I had the time to do so, I should have strolled him to a place where the background wasn't quite so blown and more even to help him stand out a little better. Also, in the new version, I cropped out the bottom part of the stroller where the sticker was showing ;-). 

This is the kind of critique participants in the Chic Critique Celebrity Critique can expect from me. I have another 4-week session coming up next month and we have a few openings left if you want to give it a try. It has been such a privilege to be on the outside, seeing images from a different perspective, and by giving just a few quick pointers, helping to turn images that seemed like coal into diamonds. 

By the way, even with his overly-processed, neon blue eyes, I still love this image and always will.
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February 6, 2012

AMAZING! The weather was spectacular, the ladies were kind and intelligent and creative and talented, the food was incredible, and the clients/models were outstanding. Everything operated like a well-oiled machine and I wouldn't have changed a thing about it. (The girls are probably going to kill me for the butt shot up there, but I couldn't resist ;-)

Day one was lots of chatting and headshots...

Pretty group, huh?

Day two was PACKED full of events including our in-home family newborn photo session demonstration for the amazing photographer, Scott, and his sweet baby girl:

Behind the scenes....

Followed by an in-home family photo session demonstration for a dear client/friend:

Behind the scenes...

(Why yes, this would be where I made my "unlawful entry" as referenced today on Facebook ;-) Forgot to mention that I also thought I had locked my keys in the car and we all spent about 15 minutes looking for them only to find them in my camera bag where I had deliberately placed them. Must have been getting a bit loopy by then.)

Day two is not over yet...now it was time for the ladies to practice some of their new techniques...

 (Families and models: I'm going to start sending out your pics soon...hang in there ;-)

See? I told you Day 2 was a monster, but dinner that evening was simply wonderful and we all got rested up for our last day of proofing and wrapping up. 

The workshops are equally exhausting and rewarding for all of us, I think. I love that we become such a close-knit group and stay in touch long after the workshop is over. I love the surprise of seeing the images the attendees create in my e-mail inbox--their work was absolutely amazing, by the way...so impressed with what they're able to do under a bit of a pressure situation. I love that we've actually organized a reunion/charity project for the Pinkle Toes "Class of 2011" and I can't wait to tell you all about that after the event! (Ladies of 2012...keep that in mind.)

Members of Pinkle Toes 4 Photographers: there are only TWO openings left for workshops in 2012. That's it. I'm currently not planning to offer any more workshops this year or next. Please visit this page for details.

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January 15, 2012

For those of you who follow me on Facebook, you probably already saw that my attempt to take the kids to experience the Architects of Air luminarium at the Long Center yesterday was a bust (we ended up having fun on Soco, instead). But I really didn't want to give up, so back we went today. For you workshop girls, you know that this is no short jaunt for us and I was really nervous the line would be too long again. 

Well, it was too long, but we waited anyway. At least this time, I had my husband with me so we could hold our place in line and let the kids go run and play while we waited. But considering it was only a 1.5 hr wait, I think that's pretty good in comparison to the the folks in line behind us because it got baaaaaaaaaaaad. Oi. At least the cash bar they set up (including goldfish snacks for the kids) made it a bit more bearable.

It was fun, though. I don't think I would have wanted to wait any more than we did, however. Wish we could have done a weekday instead. (If you're in Austin and want to see this, the 20th is your last day, I believe). If you're taking pics, bring the widest lens you've got (I had to use my fisheye to get anything really) and be prepared for funky low light and lots of strange people in your shots, LOL. It was nice to spend this time with the fam.   

Got some fun things coming up on here in the next few days, by the way:

1. Later tonight, I'll be posting the gallery of our client selections for the 3rd Annual Pinkle's Pic of the Year contest! I'm really glad to have relinquished control over the nominations to my clients...they have made some amazing selections and I am so excited to see who is going to come away as the 2011 Pinkle's Pic of the Year.

2. Got some lovely ladies coming over in a bit to test out a fantasy make up idea for the .emme. boudoir sweetheart mini sessions coming up this weekend (I can still squeeze a couple of people in on Sunday if you can make it). Can't wait to post a sneak of Katie's creation.

3. And finally...a little peek at a project I'm working on for the workshop folks and for my clients. Interesting experiment looking at the print quality side-by-side from several different professional and general public printers. Wow! You can't see/feel it here in a picture, but wait until you get up close.

Back in a bit...

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January 8, 2012

...to me that you can get a group of 9 women together (me + my mom + 7 photographers from all over the country) and spend three days together and get stuff like this:

and still leave happy and looking like this:

Thank you to all of these beautiful and talented women who drove and flew out here to spend this time perfecting their craft. (Also wanted to point out that the b/w shot in the doorway above was spotted by a couple of the attendees...I would totally have missed that one if it wasn't for them!) Thanks to Scott (an incredible photog--also took the first image of us above ;-) and his dear wife for letting us invade their home for our newborn session demonstration. (Oh, Amy...I'll be blogging about your family session soon, too ;-). And thanks to Mee Maw for keeping us all well fed!

Spent today sleeping and recovering from our adventures, but this week, I need to gear up for the next workshops. We have just three openings left for the March 8-10 workshop and 3 for the March 29-31...and folks, that's it for 2012. That's most likely it for 2013, as well for that matter. If you were contemplating an intensive Pinkle Toes professional photographer workshop like this one, this is quite possibly your last chance. Don't say I didn't warn you ;-). Oh, and don't forget, your last opportunity to purchase a Pinkle Toes 4 Photographers membership is THE END OF THIS MONTH. Now that's a biggie.

Okay, back to smoochin' on my family (boy, I missed them this week). Take care and Austinites...enjoy the rain we're about to have!

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