First of all, I want to know who planned the weather out for this workshop? LOL. My word, it couldn't have been a more dreary, rainy couple of days, but fortunately for me, there was a wonderful group of women in attendance AND we had a SUPER cute baby boy to work with.
Some behind the scenes pics (I always love these!):

And then I really lurve this snap from Bekah...

...mostly 'cuz I think the backlight makes me look skinny ;-)
By the way, we are *still* looking for a family in Austin that can do this for us on March 30th. We've received several applications, but we need options. You never know, you might get a free session from me! If you live in Austin and are expecting a baby within the next few weeks, PLEASE fill out this form.
I'll be back soon with images from the in-home session and I also can't wait to show you some pics that the attendees took (can't wait to brag on them and how well they did during some yucky, yucky weather ;-).