I said to her, "What do you think about doing your entire session in a parking garage?" She said, "Awesome!" And the rest was Pinkle Toes history...
P.S. Last time, that little guy was elsewhere ;-).
P.P.S. LOVE her sense of style and that awesome hair color! Meg...you pulled everything together beautifully!

I had the extreme honor of photographing my little sister and her husband-to-be a few weeks ago on a beautiful evening in downtown Austin. It was such a special time and my gosh, we had a blast! It was such an easy thing for me to do...their relationship is so natural and their love and respect for one another shines through. He's so perfect for her and I've never, ever, ever seen her this happy. Ever. He fits into our family so seamlessly. Words cannot express how it makes my heart feel to see both my mom and my sister have found such wonderful partners in life. So very excited for their upcoming weddings!!!!

A little birdie told me that butterflies were among this little beauty's favorite things. SOOOO, I enlisted the help of my boys to round up a collection of butterflies for their family session. I was so eager to show her my surprise for her, but much to *our* surprise, she was quite afraid of them :-(. Well...she was cool with it when mommy or daddy was holding them, but if one landed on her...oh my. At least we were lucky enough to get that one lovely shot up there.
But my personal fav is the one I caught of dad hanging on the monkey bars. So glad we went to the park so he could have some playtime, LOL!

One day, I'm going to sneak into their home and raid two closets...mom's and that of baby girl! These two are ALWAYS in the height of fashion and I love seeing what she puts together for them at each session. Also love those beautiful, fantastic curls!
A look back:
Oh yes, I'm old.
p.s. WHOA! My style has changed over the years!!!

That's probably the first word that comes to mind when I think of this session. I wasn't quite sure how we were going to top their last session, but I think we managed to pull of something so different and so incredible for them...
Tracy (an amazing photographer!) really, really, really wanted to go to a carnival, so planned the session date around that. Well, unfortunately, we got a little caught up in the flowers and didn't quite get over to the carnival as early as we planned. It was pure AGONY standing in line to get in watching the sun steadily slip behind the horizon. We had to hoof it to get our images and the kids (bless their hearts) were so patient with us. In spite of the darkness, we found some really cool spots to work in and I love how they turned out! Tracy...I hope you do, too, and I can't wait to see what display you create with these!