This session will definitely go down in the books for me. First of all, look at all the littles!!! We were definitely on our toes keeping everyone in the same zip code while we tooled around town, but gosh, we had a blast! Just loving the way mom put together their outfits (so impressive) and the random doggie that showed up in the middle our our shoot ;-). It was mom's idea to do the ice cream at the end--she definitely took one for the team and the kids were totally thrilled.
The family dynamic here was incredible. The energy was contagious. The love was abundant among the kids AND parents. I truly enjoyed my time with them and reading Tracy's words about her session/family just made so happy (p.s. Tracy is a wonderful photographer!!!). You've got to see the amazing gallery she put together in her home...that's what really counts...her kids get to walk by there every day and see how much they are loved.