Growing up with my clients is a privilege I cherish. It's like I have the largest extended family on the planet and I get to be there to celebrate the biggest milestones and the happiest moments in so many people's lives. 

This particular session was very special to them and to me. It's marking the time as a family of three, how they've settled in so nicely into parenthood, this little beauty with her joy and spirit, and how--in just a few months--they will add one more to their nest.

The weather was incredible and the light fell perfectly on them no matter where they were. Everywhere we explored, we found beautiful little nooks to help them tell their family story. This gazebo was breathtaking, covered in every inch by jasmine in full bloom. We could smell it before we even turned the corner to spot it. It was like a fairytale unfolding before us.

I had *just* finished watching The Tree of Life a few days before their session. Even if I didn't fully understand the movie, I was completely inspired by the memory-like progression of the film...those little snippets flashing on screen making even the smallest moments seem significant. It greatly influenced my approach to their session and the ones I've had since. I need to watch it again.

And then, as if we needed icing on this cake, we stopped by this wildflower field on our way home for some signature Pinkle Toes Texas wildflower images ;-). Seriously, it was if we could do no wrong this afternoon.

I'm so happy we got to do this session before baby #2 arrives and I'm very much looking forward to see how baby girl up here embraces her new role as Big Sister!

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Since we've already started getting into the 90's around here in these parts, we naturally assumed that a sunrise session would be the perfect temperature and not too hot. Silly us. I think it had just barely reached 50 this particular morning and bless his heart, it was all we could do to keep him warm. We would take a few pictures, mom would wrap him in his blanket, he'd warm up, we'd take a couple more, rinse and repeat. He was such a trooper and every now and then, he would treat us all once again to his infectious smile.

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I was grinning ear to ear during their entire session. And when I got home. And when I proofed their images. And now while I'm posting this. They were the giggliest girls I had ever met...a love of life, their family, and this precious time they spend together. Those girls are so lucky to have one another. They're lucky to have such a warm, relaxed, loving, caring family. And I'm pretty sure mom and dad know just how lucky they are to have all of that.
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A little birdie told me that butterflies were among this little beauty's favorite things. SOOOO, I enlisted the help of my boys to round up a collection of butterflies for their family session. I was so eager to show her my surprise for her, but much to *our* surprise, she was quite afraid of them :-(. Well...she was cool with it when mommy or daddy was holding them, but if one landed on her...oh my. At least we were lucky enough to get that one lovely shot up there.

But my personal fav is the one I caught of dad hanging on the monkey bars. So glad we went to the park so he could have some playtime, LOL!

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One day, I'm going to sneak into their home and raid two's and that of baby girl! These two are ALWAYS in the height of fashion and I love seeing what she puts together for them at each session. Also love those beautiful, fantastic curls!

A look back:

Oh yes, I'm old. 

p.s. WHOA! My style has changed over the years!!!
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