Even though I'd spent hours going through the images and designing the album, my heart fluttered with both sadness and joy as I flipped through the pages when it arrived on my doorstep. The album features the maternity pictures, his beautiful birth day photos, and his perfect little newborn session (below). While it was incredibly rewarding to see it all tied together like that, it also meant that that particular "trilogy" was over. I've mentioned before that this beautiful family is leaving Austin soon and I don't know why, but it really hits me hard when I think about it. I've been working with them since before the birth of their first baby a few years ago. Feels like I'm going to be saying goodbye to good friends. *Fortunately,* I get one last fix this fall before they're off to make a new life up north. And equally fortunate, we can stay in touch via Facebook.
Okay. I'm done moping now. Here are a few photos from his newborn session...

Okay. I'm done moping now. Here are a few photos from his newborn session...