[As always, images from Xpressions sessions only receive basic edits for color/contrast, but no additional retouching]
In spite of starting at the crack of dawn, we fried today. What's up with the humidity in Austin?? Oi. But, I guess working with cute kiddos makes up for it. ;-)
Oh, and before I get a bazillion e-mails asking about mr. man's hat and onesie combo up there (yeah, I died, too), mom is on the case and she's supposed to be sending me links soon.
Meanwhile, I gotta buckle down here. I have to finish a bunch of proof galleries, fill orders, return e-mails, prepare for this week's sessions, and pack for my upcoming trips to L.A. (.emme. boudoir) and Utah (rockin' workshop with a bunch of online friends).
And then...in July, I'm finally taking a break. I mean, I'm taking the whole month of July OFF. I haven't had a real break since probably after Amry was born. I always promise myself I'll take January off to recover from the holiday rush, but this year, it simply did not happen. Seriously, it has been non-stop over here for way too long. Thankfully, my husband came to the rescue and gave me permission to take a rest. And I believe I will. I cannot wait to hang with the family, travel, and take pictures for leisure for a bit.
So, until then, I've got a few more sneak peeks for you, but after that, I hope it will get quiet on here. ;-) Happy summertime to everyone!!!
P.S. Speaking of the holiday rush, if you haven't booked your holiday session yet, you'll want to do that pretty soon. Typically, holiday sessions are held in Aug, Sept, and Oct. September and October are almost completely full and now they're starting to overflow into August. Eeep! Can you even believe it's almost that time again?
ETA: That awesome hat is from here. Onesie here.