Results matching “beach” from PINKLE TOES PHOTOGRAPHY - Austin's Family Photographer

July 3, 2011

A lot. In spite of the 100+ degree heat that day, we managed to have a blast. Dad-to-be said, "I'll do anything you ask me to...I'll even stand on my head." Okay. You got it! Anxious to meet their baby girl next month...equally excited to see the "antique beach themed nursery."
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The boys (and girl) worked on this for 8 hours. I even pitched in. It was amazing to watch the castle come to life. That night, we could see people stopping to take pictures from our room. The bulldozers even bulldozed around it in the morning. As we were leaving to head home, my husband asked the little family of boys next to us if they would guard the tower ;-).

I was really proud of them for taking on a challenge like this. A new family tradition was started. Of course, next year, I hope we don't end the trip with a visit to the ER. Oh yeah, my middle child busted his chin open after falling against the bathtub = 5 stitches...OUCH!
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December 7, 2010

austin_port_aransas_beach_family_photographer.jpgthan I probably could, thought I'd share her blog post on our amazing session a few months back ;-). Love ya, Stacy!!!!

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October 23, 2010

While I did post this one from the road the other day, I felt I owed it to my friend, Stacy, to give her a proper sneak peek. Honestly, I wish I had time to show her more because I think she will be amazed at how beautiful her family is together on camera.

I thoroughly enjoyed the time our families got to spend together in Port Aransas this weekend. That moonlit walk on the beach with the kiddos will go down as one of my favorite beach trip memories ever. I hope you guys made some amazing memories of your own down here in TX on your much-deserved vacation. I feel so blessed to have met such a kind friend and talented photog in person...finally!

Much love,

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July 9, 2010

While Pinkle Toes is still technically "closed" through the end of July, I felt like I had to pop on and blog our beach pics. Somehow, an event doesn't seem real unless it's blogged. Frankly, the blog has become the only family record I really have these sad is that? [Before you click "contact" to ask me where I got the above dress, be sure to read all the way to the end of this post ;-)]

We had our annual trip to Port's such a lovely little beach town (even if the hurricane kicked up all kinds of lovely seaweed on the beach). The kids just loved it.  Well, the boys loved it. I'm afraid Amry would much rather be kicking back with a sippy cup and a can of Pringles by the pool than dodging seaweed and surf.

beach2_austin_kids_photographer.jpgVirgil and I had fun, too, but when did a vacation become so much work, LOL? Virge and I kept having to split up...he mostly hung out with the boys and I had Amry attached to my hip. I don't mind being close to Amry--I love getting to spend all of this time with her. But I really feel like I'm growing apart from the boys. I hope not. I hope it's just me.

beach3_austin_family_photographer.jpgAnd yes. I actually posted a picture of me. In a swimsuit. As is. Muffin top and all. Oh well. I'm obviously tired. But alas, it's me and my girl together and that's all that counts.

Now...about that dress in the top pics. I gotta tell you that it's my most absolute favorite dress I've ever purchased for Amry to date. So unique, so fun, love the colors and the textures. It's unfortunate for me that I like this dress so much because now I'm going to go broke shopping at Zozo Bug Baby on Etsy. This gal is SO creative and I can't even count how many times we got stopped in town by people wanting to know about the dress. ;-)

ETA a link to my swimsuit. Also, some of you asked about the giraffe suit...that's from Gymboree this year, but it's sold out online. You can try in store or ebay perhaps?

[Side note: I know many of you also follow my friend Lyndsay's blog. Her sweet little boy is going through a really tough time right now. I'm very upset for them and I feel pretty helpless, but perhaps if you could let her know you're thinking of them, maybe all of that positive energy will do something to carry them through this.]

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April 26, 2010

When I first asked Marina about photographing my husband and I while we were in Hawaii, I was so excited. I've "known" her online for several years now and I respect and admire her amazing imagery. But when she said she'd be interested in a trade, oh man, the pressure was on...big time. As you can tell from her site, Marina has a very distinct style (I just love the way she sees things) and I was very afraid that I wouldn't be able to capture the "coolness" of her family in a way that she would like.

But when we got together that day, the nerves melted away because here's the thing...this is how they are. There's no "posing," there's no "contriving," all I had to do was capture this incredibly dynamic family just doing their thing. That, I can do. And those boys? Oh, those boys of hers! Aren't they just stunningly handsome?? Oh, if only I could grow my boys' hair out like that!

Marina...thank you so much for trusting me to capture your family on camera. I hope we did you justice. It was an honor.

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April 17, 2010

One night in Maui, my husband and I were sitting on the beach, preparing to watch another beautiful Hawaiian sunset. There was a photographer down the way photographing a lovely family of 4 all dressed in white (gasp! But it actually looked great). I had my camera by my side and I had snapped a few pics here and there, but I was totally uninspired. I was aching to photograph people...gosh, wouldn't a couple be so lovely in this amazing light?!

Lo and behold, there was a couple sitting near us. They were so cute and so in love and just having a great time. So, photographer geek that I am, I walked up to them and asked if they'd like me to take their picture. I can't believe they agreed! They must have thought I was some strange goofball tourist. But sometimes, you just have to go for it and I'm so glad we did!

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April 6, 2010

There's a picture in one of my mother's albums that I've always loved. I was a baby (about this age) and we were at the beach. I don't remember being there, but the picture has become the memory for me. Mom was holding me on her hip like this and the wind was blowing her hair. I was snuggled up to her just like this and she was smiling a genuine smile.

Whenever I look at that picture I think, "Wow. That light is so beautiful."

Then I think, "Gosh, my mom looks pretty."

And then I think, "She really loves me."

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April 4, 2010

bRHP_6821e.jpg...but trust me, my mind is still 3000+ miles away. Sigh. What an amazing, wonderful, incredible, perfect, absolutely outstanding trip! I missed my sweet babies like crazy, but I also wouldn't mind being back in the middle of the Pacific, sipping on a lava flow, catching some rays with my husband of 10 years, that's for sure. The above pic is from our sesh with Marina. Isn't she amazing? She's also happens to be VERY beautiful:

m_austin_family_photographer.jpgand a very blessed mama to 4 equally beautiful boys with a husband who rocks!

Oh, I could go on and on about this trip. I *want* to go on and on so I don't forget a single wonderful memory. But seeing that e-mail message notification in the corner of my screen and also noticing that I have tons of proofing as well as a week chock full of sessions, I guess it has to wait. If you're waiting on something from me, hang tight...I will start tackling everything as soon as I can.


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