I promise you, there was not a dry eye in the house when her father held a prayer for the new parents-to-be and the unborn baby shortly before his arrival. It was one of the most memorable birth moments I've witnessed. When you become a parent for the first time yourself, there's no feeling like it in the world. To get to be a spectator and watch a loving couple go through all of those emotions just before, during, and immediately after they are initiated into parenthood...well, there's also no feeling quite like it in the world. It is an honor I do not take for granted.

Fall always has been and always will be my most favorite time of the year. Driving home from my session tonight, there was the most incredible purple and gold and auburn sunset (too bad the session was over) and I thought before we get swept away into the winter holiday season, perhaps we could appreciate the beauty of fall for a second. I decided to put together a collection of my favorite images from this fall so that maybe when we're all sweltering in the summer next year, we can look back here and feel fresh, and crisp, and warm, and cool, and fuzzy, and hopeful, and thankful all over again...

I'm not even sure where I should begin with this post. Do I start with the fact that I was "booked" to photograph this birth even before his mommy was even pregnant with him? Or do I mention how fun it was to realize a few months ago that her daughter goes to the same swim school at the same time as we do?
Or do I talk about how scared I was that I was going to miss the birth when I was running down the hall to Labor and Delivery and could hear his mommy already pushing?! Or maybe I should talk about how I was absolutely amazed when she pushed through all of the intensity and pain and delivered this baby VBAC and med free? Or perhaps I could tell you that I teared up and giggled at the same time when she couldn't contain her excitement and squealed in surprise, "It's a BOY!!" just seconds after he was born.
Then there's dad--who, in spite of his teasing banter, was happy to let me photograph this event and did such a great job of taking care of his family that day. And big sister, who met her new brother with such enthusiasm and love...what a joy to see!
But, I could also talk about how, just a few days after baby boy's birth, I was driving down the road listening to my friend Michelle's CD and a song came on and I *immediately* knew it would have to accompany these birth photos. (Thank you, Michelle, for allowing me to use this song.)
Yes, I could indeed tell you all of these things, but really, it's so much better if you just see it for yourself (be sure to watch through the end so you can hear Michelle's beautiful voice and perfectly fitting song, "Welcome, Baby."):
Or do I talk about how scared I was that I was going to miss the birth when I was running down the hall to Labor and Delivery and could hear his mommy already pushing?! Or maybe I should talk about how I was absolutely amazed when she pushed through all of the intensity and pain and delivered this baby VBAC and med free? Or perhaps I could tell you that I teared up and giggled at the same time when she couldn't contain her excitement and squealed in surprise, "It's a BOY!!" just seconds after he was born.
Then there's dad--who, in spite of his teasing banter, was happy to let me photograph this event and did such a great job of taking care of his family that day. And big sister, who met her new brother with such enthusiasm and love...what a joy to see!

Yes, I could indeed tell you all of these things, but really, it's so much better if you just see it for yourself (be sure to watch through the end so you can hear Michelle's beautiful voice and perfectly fitting song, "Welcome, Baby."):
Thank you all so much for allowing me to share this incredible birth on the blog. I'm so thankful you invited me to be there that day.
Side note: Okay, so the pic of the hospital at the beginning of the show? *Every* time I try to take any pictures outside of the hospital for a birth, I *always* get stopped by security. What's up with that? I guess I must look extremely suspicious. Anyway, I had to snap this one quite literally as I was putting my camera away in the bag. Quite surprised I got anything at all ;-).
[If you are pregnant in the Austin area and are interested in having your baby's birth day photographed, take a look! If you are a photographer looking for advice on birth photography, please check out Pinkle Toes 4 Photographers - I provide marketing materials and information on birth photography to our PT4P members.]

So the morning of their baby's birth day, I got a text from her letting me know that her water had broken. Awesome! Perfect! The timing couldn't have been more amazing since I had only been able to cover her birth on a standby basis (she was due pretty much at the same time as this little guy.) The day moved slowly but steadily and by the time I had gotten to the hospital, things were looking great. Dad was a tremendous support to his wife. Her family had made it into town to welcome the birth of their first grandchild. We were all so excited to find out if the baby was a boy or a girl. It was all coming together even better than planned.
And then suddenly, the whole plan changed and everything started to move so quickly...too quickly to keep up with swirling concern, confusion and emotion. And it was at this point, I truly realized how glad I was to be able to be there to click away and capture it all...especially those things that mom would have missed otherwise...
(If you are pregnant and in the Austin area and are interested in having your birth experience photographed, take a look! Photographers seeking advice on birth photography, please visit this link.)

Beautiful. Simply beautiful. Watch the slideshow below and see how she trusts her body to work through the contractions and just look at how attentive her husband is (amazing to witness). Oh, and I love the look on her face when she finds out the gender (a surprise!)! But at the end...oh that beautiful baby and all of that HAIR!
[This birth took place at the Austin Area Birthing Center].
Thank you, Mariah, for inviting me to capture this day for you and for allowing me to share your beautiful birth experience with our readers.
(If you are pregnant and in the Austin area and are interested in having your birth experience photographed, take a look!)
(If you are pregnant and in the Austin area and are interested in having your birth experience photographed, take a look!)