Bless his little heart...this boy gives a new meaning to the word "thriving." He must have been in the middle of one of those cluster-feeding spells when I was there because all he wanted was to nurse with his mama. But, somehow, we managed to snap a few pics here and there between feedings and it worked out just fine.
P.S. His mama should seriously consider going into interior design because the woman has got outstanding taste and style. Wish I had more time to take more pics of the house...think I need to go back sometime. Either that or move in ;-)

Having been there for his brother's birth and newborn sessions as well as his own birth and newborn sessions, it was so interesting to draw comparisons between the two boys. Upon just being born, big brother was wide awake and always looking at the world around him...little brother was very, very sleepy and mellow. I remember at big brother's newborn session, he was equally wide awake and looking at the world around him...and much to my surprise, so was little brother. Every now and then, the baby would make a face and I would say, "Oh, he looks *just* like his older brother!" But every now and then, he would do something that would be so completely different and he wouldn't look like him at all. Isn't it amazing that two boys could come from the same parents and be so very different and then in many ways, exactly the same? It fascinated me with my own boys and I loved getting to see it happen again with her little ones.

In all my years as a photographer (and 5+ years feels like a long time to me since the second longest job I've ever had was for 2 years), I've *never* worked with a child *this* happy. The boy was literally grinning from ear to ear the second he woke up and he just played and giggled and had me wrapped around that chubby little pinky the whole time. Sigh...
I LOVE casual, relaxed, family photo sessions at home like this. Makes me think I need to shop around for another family session for us soon ;-)

From the minute I set foot in their home, I felt so grounded and peaceful. They have the most amazing house and garden and play areas set up for the kiddos...and they're doing a very good job of keeping it earthy and organic. I quite enjoyed the afternoon there...especially the time spent watching the girls play--they were all so comfortable and relaxed and loving.