A little bit ago, I had the opportunity to photography some fall lines for gro boutique here in Austin (brand new store...check it out!). We pulled it together so quickly and wouldn't you know it, it was drizzling when we arrived bright and early for the shoot. But our little models were AMAZING and they pulled it off somehow. Well done, little ladies!

I'll be cliche...it seems like it was just yesterday when we...
I hold onto those precious memories so tightly, I sometimes worry if I will squeeze the joy out of them.

*You* are pure joy. Even in your sassiest moments (and lord knows, you have plenty of those), we can't help but to smile...

That giant image above will join the other two canvases from here and here. I feel so blessed that you've allowed me to create this tradition and I hope you'll continue to humor me for at least another couple of years ;-). (Oh, and let's be sure to thank Daddy for snapping some of just you and I together ;-).
You are the most beautiful person I've ever met. You have more love in your heart than I've ever seen. You are clever, and intelligent, and witty, and creative, and brave. How did we get so lucky, Amry? Why did you choose our family? It is such an incredible honor to be your mother. I don't think you'll ever comprehend how much you made our dreams come true. I love you and I wish you the happiest birthday in the world, my princess.
[Speaking of princesses, dress by Palm Tree Princess]

Soooooo much has happened since Brooke's story was featured on The Creative Mama. Soooooooo much. In fact, I just got word that their story is going to be featured on Austin's KVUE TONIGHT at 5 p.m. if you can catch it!!! ETA: HERE's the news story from tonight on KVUE. What a great piece!!!!
Not only has the word spread all over the world about securing furniture to protect small children, but an entire business has been launched. If you haven't checked out these beautiful necklaces (new styles have been added, like the one pictured above) made by Brooke and her mommy, you should. A Brooke's Angel Wing necklace couldn't be a more perfect, meaningful, or heartfelt holiday gift.
And now, a gift to you, The Pinkle Toes Blogstalkers:

Go browse around Brooke's Angel Wings and make it one of your favorite stores on Etsy. On Monday, November 21st, I will select one of their etsy admirers at random and send this awesome "Pinkle Toes pink" angel wing necklace your way as a thank you. Brooke and her mommy have been working very hard (along with the help of another very special person) to keep up with the inventory and create new designs and I couldn't be more impressed with their incredible efforts!

(Sporting *my* wings the other day ;-)