November 3, 2010

that a family photo session should be...

And I feel very blessed to have been able to capture their beauty. As they are.

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The hubs texted me today with that blog title. I had to use it ;-). Hope you all had a fun and treat-filled Halloween!

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October 27, 2010

halloween_austin_child_photographer.jpgOkay, I did say I was taking a blog break, buuuuuut, since it *is* almost Halloween, how could I not share this session with you? (Plus, I'm sick and these images make me smile. Especially his oh so serious, "I'm Batman," face.) I think it's so cool that their mommy does Halloween cards every year.

And more fun shots from our time together:


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Mama said she wanted to go to a place where I hadn't photographed before. That pretty much ruled out all of Austin, so we headed to historic Gruene. We battled multiple diaper changes and charity races and storm clouds and overly friendly hotel staff and the oh-so-typical two kids heading in opposite directions, but we managed to get some GREAT shots! So glad we all hung in there!

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October 4, 2010

I'd like to show off Cutie Pie 1 and Cutie Pie 2. Our session this morning was such a blast. Explored and found all kinds of cool things to climb on and investigate.

Second, I'd like to show off my big finds as part of that exploration:

find_austin_child_photographer.jpgWell, the the kid's not included. She kinda comes with the package. Can't wait to put these to use on the idea I have for our holiday cards. And of course, any other clients who venture by the studio when it opens are welcome to use my nifty new props as well.

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