It's so shocking to me to see babies when they're newborns and then at one year. I can always recognize their features, but am constantly blown away by how much they've changed, too. The best part is finally getting to see some personality emerge. I know it is a precious journey for the parents, but for a photographer, it can be a truly unique perspective. Gosh she was lovely and the setting of their home + the weather + the light that morning could not have been more glorious!
I've grown really close to this little lady and her mama. From the first time we ever spoke on the phone (more than 3 years ago and I was *very* pregnant w/ baby number 3), her mom and I just clicked. We get excited over the same things and I love that we can just start chatting and one idea leads to the next until we've created a totally unique theme for each one of her little girl's birthday sessions. I love that I can say, "I wonder if we could..." and she finds some way to make it happen. I love to watch the two of them together because they are as close as I hope my own daughter and I are. I love the thought that I could one day be taking pictures when she turns 10...or even sweet sixteen. It feels amazing to be part of a tradition like this and I treasure that honor.
9 to 11 months is THE best age to photograph! I love it because they're still very baby-like, but they have SO much personality (and they can't run away from me...yet). If I had it to do all over, I would have done a family session with each of my little ones at this exact age. But alas, I don't, so I'll happily live vicariously through my clients ;-).
[Kinda bummed...I just realized I never took pictures of this album :-( Boo. This was number 4 in the series and it looked super cool. Oh well, I'll just have to be better about it when his 1 year album comes in.]