May 14, 2010

I'm not even sure where I should begin with this post. Do I start with the fact that I was "booked" to photograph this birth even before his mommy was even pregnant with him? Or do I mention how fun it was to realize a few months ago that her daughter goes to the same swim school at the same time as we do?

Or do I talk about how scared I was that I was going to miss the birth when I was running down the hall to Labor and Delivery and could hear his mommy already pushing?! Or maybe I should talk about how I was absolutely amazed when she pushed through all of the intensity and pain and delivered this baby VBAC and med free? Or perhaps I could tell you that I teared up and giggled at the same time when she couldn't contain her excitement and squealed in surprise, "It's a BOY!!" just seconds after he was born.

Then there's dad--who, in spite of his teasing banter, was happy to let me photograph this event and did such a great job of taking care of his family that day. And big sister, who met her new brother with such enthusiasm and love...what a joy to see!

collage_austin_birth_photography_2.jpgBut, I could also talk about how, just a few days after baby boy's birth, I was driving down the road listening to my friend Michelle's CD and a song came on and I *immediately* knew it would have to accompany these birth photos. (Thank you, Michelle, for allowing me to use this song.)

Yes, I could indeed tell you all of these things, but really, it's so much better if you just see it for yourself (be sure to watch through the end so you can hear Michelle's beautiful voice and perfectly fitting song, "Welcome, Baby."):

Thank you all so much for allowing me to share this incredible birth on the blog. I'm so thankful you invited me to be there that day.

Side note: Okay, so the pic of the hospital at the beginning of the show? *Every* time I try to take any pictures outside of the hospital for a birth, I *always* get stopped by security. What's up with that? I guess I must look extremely suspicious. Anyway, I had to snap this one quite literally as I was putting my camera away in the bag. Quite surprised I got anything at all ;-).

[If you are pregnant in the Austin area and are interested in having your baby's birth day photographed, take a look!
If you are a photographer looking for advice on birth photography, please check out Pinkle Toes 4 Photographers - I provide marketing materials and information on birth photography to our PT4P members.]

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May 1, 2010

Hospital lighting is harsh, yet oh so dramatic. This birth really got me, but in a good way. ;-)

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April 24, 2010

This birth was fast and intense and beautiful and intense and magical and intense and perfect and inspiring and oh my word, I *barely* made it in time. I know they don't give trophies for births, but his mama definitely deserves a trophy for this one. Or, maybe she already received one? Isn't he as cute as he can be?

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April 7, 2010

mk_austin_birth_photographer.jpgMK and I hit it off instantly. Even via e-mail, I could already tell that I liked her spunk and sense of humor and down-to-earth approach to birth. At our meet up beforehand to discuss the big day, she told me she had no pre-conceived notions about how this birth was "supposed" to go.  It wasn't just talk. She really meant it and I could really appreciate that mindset.

So the morning of their baby's birth day, I got a text from her letting me know that her water had broken. Awesome! Perfect! The timing couldn't have been more amazing since I had only been able to cover her birth on a standby basis (she was due pretty much at the same time as this little guy.) The day moved slowly but steadily and by the time I had gotten to the hospital, things were looking great. Dad was a tremendous support to his wife. Her family had made it into town to welcome the birth of their first grandchild. We were all so excited to find out if the baby was a boy or a girl. It was all coming together even better than planned.

And then suddenly, the whole plan changed and everything started to move so quickly...too quickly to keep up with swirling concern, confusion and emotion. And it was at this point, I truly realized how glad I was to be able to be there to click away and capture it all...especially those things that mom would have missed otherwise...

(If you are pregnant and in the Austin area and are interested in having your birth experience photographed, take a look! Photographers seeking advice on birth photography, please visit this link.)

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March 25, 2010

1.jpgt_austin_engagement_photographer.jpgpom_austin_newborn_photographer.jpg(I know you've seen these images before...I'll explain below ;-))

1. We are CLOSED March 25th-April 5th, so I will return all e-mails/phone calls as soon as I can after that.

2. Thank you to EVERYONE who took the time to participate in the blogstalker scavenger hunt and for all of your kind comments. I can't believe we had 84 entries! But of course, there can only be one winner.  Congrats to entry number 82, selected YOU! ;-) I've sent you an e-mail so let me know if you'd like the gift card or the charitable donation.

3. For March's Pic of the Month I simply could not decide so we have a three-way tie (no worries...this will not lessen anyone's chances of winning Pic of the Year). The first image is from her senior portraits session and I selected it because I don't think she has any idea just how lovely she is, inside and out.  The second was from this incredible engagement session and I just had to recognize them because they endured extreme winds, 38 degree weather, and insane mud just to hang out in some flowers for a few minutes. The final image isn't technically a "March" picture, but I was really torn last's probably one of my most favorite nursing images to date and I feel like it speaks volumes for the connections created between mother and baby.

austin_featured_birth_photographer.jpg4. Speaking of moms and babies, I'm so excited to share that images from Emme's birth were featured in the latest issue of Midwifery Today magazine! I was so thrilled to see such wonderful articles on homebirth and I loved reading what Emme's mommy had to say about her birth experience. Congrats!

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