I think it's pretty safe to say that you all know stylized sessions aren't my thing. Buuuuuut...every now and then I get inspired by a concept and give it a go. If you have an idea for your own family photo session, tell me! While I can't promise to make all of your wildest dreams come true, you never know what ideas might take!
These beautiful little ones had SO much fun splashing in their tub and I could not get over how dreamlike and summery the images turned out. I wish I had done this with my own kiddos...
My personal favorite image from this session can be seen HERE, by the way.

On July 4th, it was exactly one year ago when I first met him. I've had the wonderful opportunity to watch him grow and change, little by little, over the past year with mini sessions to mark each of his milestones. But, boy did we have fun at this last one. He is such a JOY!!!
For giggles, I thought I'd throw this together (although I'm bummed to realize we didn't do the tie at his 4 month session):

Boy can wear a tie, though!

Her mommy and I have been planning this session since last fall and when it finally came to fruition, the vision couldn't have been executed more perfectly. It was as if sundrops were falling onto our canvas that evening...painting with light and yellow and all things summery and breezy. As I was proofing these images, I kept thinking over and over, "My...this little girl is SO loved!" You can see it in the snuggles, you can see it in the way her parents look at her, you can see it in her own grin. She is a lucky little girl! Thank you, Chantal, for the honor of photographing your sweet little family.
[Be sure to see one of my favs from the session not shown here.]

As the oppressive summer heat settles in, my mind can't help but to drift back to my favorite season...in a setting on an evening that was pure magic. [last time we saw them...]