I would be lying if I didn't admit that I was super, duper nervous about this session ;-). I met this little girl's mommy last year when she drove down from Arkansas to attend one of my professional family photographer workshops. It blows me away to think that almost a year ago exactly, she was just *thinking* about having babies and now, here she is, a full-fledged mommy and is doing an incredible job at it, too!
Anyway, why was I nervous? Well, it was the first time I have ever flown anywhere specifically *just* for a session. I would literally fly in to Arkansas that morning, do the session, and fly right back out that night. So many things could go wrong!!
But...they didn't.
In fact, it was one of the most magical, incredible, beautiful sessions I've had. She was the perfect angel and wow, isn't her mommy radiant? Her big brother was so kind and attentive to her. Their images just glow with love and peace.
We had pretty much finished for the day and I was going to head out to the airport when Meagan reminded me that the peach trees were in bloom. Okay...yes...we should at least try to take some pictures out in the orchard. Wouldn't you know it, though, it was supposed to be perfectly overcast that day, but instead, the sun was just beaming down on us--not exactly the ideal lighting conditions for working outdoors. We waited and waited and waited for the sun to go behind a couple of clouds. And waited. And waited. And then FINALLY...a BREAK! I've never worked so fast in my life and I'm SO thrilled we got some images out in the orchard. She is indeed a little peach blossom and I hope her mommy takes her out there every year to mark her birthday in that field.
Thanks again, Meagan, for trusting me to do this for your family. It was a pure joy hanging with you that day. You are very, very blessed.