We were scheduled to do maternity portraits for her. We had the perfect timing...waiting until her hubby was home from deployment. And then about 5 weeks before this little baby was supposed to arrive, baby boy surprised everyone. Listening to his mama tell the story of his birth brought tears to my eyes. I don't think she believes me, but I think she was an incredibly brave, powerful, and strong woman. In the wee hours of the night, she went into labor. Alone. His daddy was still gone, her MIL was a long plane ride away. So, She. Drove. Herself. To. The. Hospital. IN. Labor. And she had that baby boy...all by herself. Pregnancy, labor, and birth can be frightening even with a room full of loved ones there to support you, I can't imagine doing it without someone like that to help. Wow!!!

His newborn session was one of the most beautiful, peaceful newborn sessions I'd had in a while. I loved being at home with them...watching the three of them together (at last!)...seeing the love they had for their new baby. I very much look forward to seeing this little guy grow up!!

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December 27, 2011

We were scheduled to do maternity portraits for her. We had the perfect timing...waiting until her hubby was home from deployment. And then about 5 weeks before this little baby was supposed to arrive, baby boy surprised everyone. Listening to his mama tell the story of his birth brought tears to my eyes. I don't think she believes me, but I think she was an incredibly brave, powerful, and strong woman. In the wee hours of the night, she went into labor. Alone. His daddy was still gone, her MIL was a long plane ride away. So, She. Drove. Herself. To. The. Hospital. IN. Labor. And she had that baby boy...all by herself. Pregnancy, labor, and birth can be frightening even with a room full of loved ones there to support you, I can't imagine doing it without someone like that to help. Wow!!!

His newborn session was one of the most beautiful, peaceful newborn sessions I'd had in a while. I loved being at home with them...watching the three of them together (at last!)...seeing the love they had for their new baby. I very much look forward to seeing this little guy grow up!!

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