What they are giving their children is priceless: a home full of happiness and unwavering love. It has been a tremendous privilege of mine to photograph their family connections since their daughter was just a baby in mama's tummy. (You may recognize them here).
Four years since I first met them, they now have three children, and Maria still mothers her family with pure love, grace, and beauty. She sets the mark for me as a mother myself. When we walked out to their garden that night, I didn't quite comprehend what I was about to witness until I saw the the pictures. Maria pulled out her face painting supplies (she mentioned that was one of the things they loved to do together) and set to work on creating artwork on each of her children. It was such a beautiful scene--and at the risk of sounding like an artsy goob, I teared up when I got a chance to flip through the images from that night. But really, I have to wonder if she has *any* idea the kind of memories she's creating for her children every time she does things like this for them. She exudes devotion as a mother and as a wife. She is my shining example of everything a mommy should be. I am honored to know her and proud to call her a friend.