I don't mean this to sound shallow in any way whatsoever, but throughout my (relatively short in the grand scheme of things) career (that word just sounds weird) as a photographer, I've met some beautiful children, but I gotta tell you that when I was greeted by these three handsome boys, I believe I gasped. Maybe it was their perfect skin or maybe it was those crystal, honey eyes, or maybe those incredible lashes, but my word, how does one family get to be so lucky in the looks department?
I loved the personality of this session, too. It was fast-paced and spunky (much like the older brothers) and sprinkled with lots of love (I couldn't get over how connected the eldest was to his littlest bro). I remember it was insanely windy that day and we almost weren't able to go outside. Not sure how little man put up with all of our antics that morning, but he was just as cute as he could be and I don't even recall any tears (from him ;-).
I loved the personality of this session, too. It was fast-paced and spunky (much like the older brothers) and sprinkled with lots of love (I couldn't get over how connected the eldest was to his littlest bro). I remember it was insanely windy that day and we almost weren't able to go outside. Not sure how little man put up with all of our antics that morning, but he was just as cute as he could be and I don't even recall any tears (from him ;-).