The very first time I photographed her family, I felt so connected to them. Now that they are a family of 5, we have even more in common. Her house is SO colorful and creatively decorated. *I* want to live there. I so enjoyed the very lifestyle nature of their session. It was totally relaxed, no preconceived ideas, we just did what families do...
...like take a snack break, for instance ;-)
And play airplane and read and tickle and laugh.
See what I mean? Look at those yummy colors!!!
Their backyard was just as magical.
Very much looking forward to seeing these two play in front of a crowd someday. I can say I knew them when ;-)
Sigh. I was there forever that night. I didn't want to leave. We were having such a great time hanging out, playing around, sharing stories, and commiserating about the "joys" of having three kiddos. Erin...I know I've told you this before, but your family is amazing and you and Adam have done such a great job as parents. I admire your easy-going nature (even if you claim it wasn't always so). So glad to have you as a friend, my dear.