I'm not going to lie. These past few days have been an nightmare. I'm so busy getting everything ready for the Pinkle Toes professional photographer workshops that are starting next week and right in the middle of this, my Mac hard drive dies. Just out of the blue. Um. I *NEED* my computer like my child needs a hairbrush.
But I think the computer gods were smiling down on me (or perhaps it's because I *just* went through an external hard drive failure this summer), because we've been able to recover from this one pretty well. I've become a pro at backing up (all of my client pics are safe) and the guys at Apple were very helpful, too (for once, I'm glad I bought the extended warranty).
Two things kept me in check during this little crisis:
#1 My kids. Evidently, the world doesn't stop for them when Mommy is having panic attacks. Amry was so sweet to serve me up some delicious tea yesterday. I love that she loves to pretend.
#2 Our first full-fledged, actual, real-life family photo session (that I almost considered canceling in light of my meltdown) with Bonnie -- or as Amry likes to call her, Miss Bunny Rabbit. I *reaaaaaallly* didn't think it was wise to continue with the session as planned, but something told me that I needed it. I'm so glad we did. I'm so glad I had a good excuse to step away from my smoking computer and just be with my family for a while. And I met a new friend in the process. I'm very much looking forward to seeing the images from our evening and I'm very thankful that she helped me (unknowingly) through quite a trying time.
But I think the computer gods were smiling down on me (or perhaps it's because I *just* went through an external hard drive failure this summer), because we've been able to recover from this one pretty well. I've become a pro at backing up (all of my client pics are safe) and the guys at Apple were very helpful, too (for once, I'm glad I bought the extended warranty).
Two things kept me in check during this little crisis:
#1 My kids. Evidently, the world doesn't stop for them when Mommy is having panic attacks. Amry was so sweet to serve me up some delicious tea yesterday. I love that she loves to pretend.
#2 Our first full-fledged, actual, real-life family photo session (that I almost considered canceling in light of my meltdown) with Bonnie -- or as Amry likes to call her, Miss Bunny Rabbit. I *reaaaaaallly* didn't think it was wise to continue with the session as planned, but something told me that I needed it. I'm so glad we did. I'm so glad I had a good excuse to step away from my smoking computer and just be with my family for a while. And I met a new friend in the process. I'm very much looking forward to seeing the images from our evening and I'm very thankful that she helped me (unknowingly) through quite a trying time.