I'm going to tell on myself here. It was an hour drive out there to meet newborn baby T. I arrived right on time, jumped out of the car, and ran to the back to grab my camera bag only to find that somehow, in the midst of beanbags, blankets, and session props, the bag never made it to the car.
Yeah. That pretty much sums up how I felt.

But this beautiful family was soooooooo sweet and understanding (thank you!!!) and my hubby offered to meet me halfway to bring me my stuff, so, things started to look better...
And after we settled into our session groove and little man got more comfortable, I think we all relaxed and really enjoyed ourselves.
Ahhhhh...now *that's* more like it.

Mama, I just flipped through the images and you are going to be blown away, I promise (with some especially adorable family pics). Thank you again for being so patient and understanding with my mommy brain today. I'm absolutely smitten with baby T.
[Oh, and a quick note to all my dear photog friends on Facebook...thank YOU for sharing your stories of silly mistakes today. You made me feel so much better!]
[Oh, and a quick note to all my dear photog friends on Facebook...thank YOU for sharing your stories of silly mistakes today. You made me feel so much better!]