I so wish you guys could hear how she says this word. It's precious. So breathy and her little mouth makes the cutest "o" formation. But anyway, here's another awesome Etsy find. One of my clients put these bows on her daughter at our session. Small world, because the creator of the bows happened to see my blog post with them in it and sent me a little note (you can see her bows here and in the profile pic here).
The bow Amry is wearing can be found here, but unfortunately, it can no longer be found in my home since my little angel tossed it out of the shopping cart the very next day after taking these pics.
Speaking of etsy, what do we think about this chair slipcover? Cool or gaudy?
The bow Amry is wearing can be found here, but unfortunately, it can no longer be found in my home since my little angel tossed it out of the shopping cart the very next day after taking these pics.
Speaking of etsy, what do we think about this chair slipcover? Cool or gaudy?