So, would you be willing to help me create a gallery of the Pinkle Toes All Star images? Please don't think it narcissistic. I truly am curious to know those images on my blog that spoke to you or inspired you over the years. Images that have long since gone by the wayside. Images that even I don't think about until someone says, "I always remember that this one picture you did where..."
If there is one image from my site that stood out to you, perhaps you could describe it or even better, post a link to it (you can e-mail me, if you'd rather). I'll take your input and put together a gallery over the next few months. Maybe I could even pull a VH1 "Behind the Image" twist to it (I know I always love reading about what goes on behind the scenes).
Speaking of All Stars, remember the scandalous wedding a while back (Logi's class was called The All Stars)? Well, the happy couple finally graduated preschool (above). My gosh...seeing how much they changed like this, my mommy heart just did a little wistful flutter.