Such an honor yesterday to be part of
Texas CASA's "Prevent Child Abuse Rally" in San Antonio yesterday. As much as I loathe that drive from Austin to San Antonio, it was very worth it...especially since the rain decided to hold off on us. And, what a lovely surprise to see my images all over these banners and brochures for their latest volunteer recruitment initiative.
Years ago, I used to work for Texas CASA managing the
license plate program. It was all behind-the-scenes work, so I didn't really get the chance to see the kind of dedication and positive change brought about by all of these amazing volunteers who serve as a voice for abused or neglected children caught up in the system. But my word, this young man...

...this young man had quite the story to tell. He's a CASA kid [he made the important distinction that he's not a 'former CASA kid' because once you're a CASA kid, you're always a CASA kid] and he spoke about the incredible difference his CASA volunteer made in his life. It was amazing to see the two of them together. During his speech, I just set my camera down. Honestly, I couldn't really see behind the tears that kept welling up. I was blown away by his confidence, his sense of humor, his humility, and his genuine appreciation for the kind of change a CASA volunteer can bring about in child's life.
you can, too.