Some snaps from today:
But I really enjoyed watching my baby girl explore. She hasn't really had a chance to venture outside like this since she started walking (our land is pretty wild) and I'm going to share a little secret here: the child does not eat fruits or vegetables. My boys were usually pretty good about this, but she just won't touch anything green or good for you. She has refused to eat every strawberry ever offered to her, but she went WILD over these! The very first one she plucked off the bush and plopped the whole thing into her mouth, juice dribbling down her chin. She was unstoppable! She was crazed! After about 4 or 5 of 'em, honestly, she looked like she had killed a pig. She was the funniest thing ever stealing strawberries out of everyone's baskets and giggling her new word for berry, "Ber! Ber! Ber!" over and over again.
I love this girl. My little strawberry shortcake.