Archive for 'Austin family'

Dec 13, 2011


Our first scheduled date got delayed thanks to a horrible bathtub mishap that led to a severely busted lip and the potential loss of teeth – I was just as scared as Kristin (also a photographer 😉 for her poor baby girl having just been through a bathtub mishap with one of my kids this summer (that one ended up with stitches). But she pulled through with flying colors and we were able to have our session on a glorious Austin fall day in a GLORIOUS Austin home!!! 
Sometimes, I have to work really hard to eek out smiles from people, but I’m going to let you in on a little secret here: not the case with these guys. I truly believe when happiness comes from the inside, you can’t help but to grin from ear to ear. I also can’t help but to grin from ear to ear when I look through their pics.
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Nov 23, 2011


I spent the most delightful morning at their house a few weeks back. Her session was all things sweet and simple and easy and cuddly. In proofing her pictures, my gosh, she reminded me SO much of my daughter as a newborn (her room even has owls, too!). I’m very much looking forward to seeing how this little cutie grows up over the years.
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Nov 21, 2011


While working on their holiday card design today, I realized I had promised a part 2 to this post. There were definitely too many fav images to tell their story in just one post. So here you go!!!
[Note: If you book a 2012 family photo session now, you can still qualify for a holiday mini session. But you should probably hurry because I only have a few openings left. Also, if you had a session with me this year and you wanted to order holiday cards, please contact me THIS week! I won’t be able to process holiday card orders any later than that.] 
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Nov 11, 2011


I told mom tonight that my face literally hurt when I was editing these pics…I couldn’t stop smiling!!! These people make me happy. Their energy, enthusiasm, and zest for life is contagious, I swear. This has to be my favorite session with them to date, but it’s hard to commit 100% (remember this? Of course, I can’t for the life of me locate his newborn blog post, but that was a blast, too.) Doesn’t matter.  What does matter is that they’ve got a fantastic family connection and a bazillion pictures to preserve those memories forever.
Speaking of, if you want to preserve your memories in 2012, there’s a little bonus incentive to book your session NOW. Running out of spaces much faster than I thought…
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Oct 28, 2011


It’s so shocking to me to see babies when they’re newborns and then at one year. I can always recognize their features, but am constantly blown away by how much they’ve changed, too. The best part is finally getting to see some personality emerge. I know it is a precious journey for the parents, but for a photographer, it can be a truly unique perspective. Gosh she was lovely and the setting of their home + the weather + the light that morning could not have been more glorious!
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Oct 22, 2011


9 to 11 months is THE best age to photograph! I love it because they’re still very baby-like, but they have SO much personality (and they can’t run away from me…yet). If I had it to do all over, I would have done a family session with each of my little ones at this exact age. But alas, I don’t, so I’ll happily live vicariously through my clients ;-). 
[Kinda bummed…I just realized I never took pictures of this album 🙁 Boo. This was number 4 in the series and it looked super cool. Oh well, I’ll just have to be better about it when his 1 year album comes in.]
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Oct 19, 2011


I’ve been working with them since the littlest one was born two years ago (scroll down to “Emmeline’s Birth“). They do everything together as a family and they embody the new word I just made up for the title of this post…”familiness.” It was such a treat to explore their home and see all of the projects the kids had been working on over the year. And as the sun was setting, we went out for a walk in the woods behind their home…oh the weather was perfection and it was obvious that the children are completely comfortable there. Such an enjoyable evening–my hubby even came out to play and take some pics!
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Since this little guy could walk, I’m pretty sure that’s how he’s been. He has unending exuberance and energy and he flies through his life in a state of pure joy, living every moment to its fullest. I think we could all take a page out of his little book! Kara…it was wonderful to see you again and I hope you enjoy these images!
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Oct 18, 2011


if you have small children, if you one day will have small children, if you work with small children, take some time today to read THIS story.
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Oct 12, 2011


There is boundless life and energy flowing through this family. I think it flows through these images, too. And that makes me happy.