Archive for 'Austin family'


They have added a +one by this time (congratulations!!!!), but even though this session wasn’t terribly long ago, I had to ask myself, “Is this for real?” How in the world did we get so lucky to have perfect weather, this incredible field, a glowing mama, and crazy charming little (big?) brothers all to align at one single maternity session? This family makes me smile.


That’s probably the first word that comes to mind when I think of this session. I wasn’t quite sure how we were going to top their last session, but I think we managed to pull of something so different and so incredible for them…
Tracy (an amazing photographer!) really, really, really wanted to go to a carnival, so planned the session date around that. Well, unfortunately, we got a little caught up in the flowers and didn’t quite get over to the carnival as early as we planned. It was pure AGONY standing in line to get in watching the sun steadily slip behind the horizon. We had to hoof it to get our images and the kids (bless their hearts) were so patient with us. In spite of the darkness, we found some really cool spots to work in and I love how they turned out! Tracy…I hope you do, too, and I can’t wait to see what display you create with these!


Bless his little heart…this boy gives a new meaning to the word “thriving.” He must have been in the middle of one of those cluster-feeding spells when I was there because all he wanted was to nurse with his mama. But, somehow, we managed to snap a few pics here and there between feedings and it worked out just fine. 
P.S. His mama should seriously consider going into interior design because the woman has got outstanding taste and style. Wish I had more time to take more pics of the house…think I need to go back sometime. Either that or move in 😉

I think it was 2-3 years ago when I first met these kiddos. We were doing a session to capture big sis before she started losing her baby teeth. At the time, my eldest hadn’t lost any of his teeth, and I remember her mom’s words really hit home with me–just how precious this time is when they are not babies, but they still have that one last thing that ties them to their baby/toddler days…the baby teeth. And now, just like we did back then, we had the opportunity to catch little bro before he starts to lose his teeth (which, ps…we’re lucky because he’s *very* rough and tumble and I’m quite surprised he hasn’t accidentally lost them, LOL).

I hadn’t been to this part of Austin in, gosh, 2 years? And eep…it was actually a little scary, I’m sad to say. I LOVE my city, but I’m not sure what happened here. Regardless of the horrible parking, the noise, the people, and the general disorder, they stuck with me and we got absolutely fantastic and super fun pics of their family. This is definitely going down as a fav session!


Well one thing is for certain: the mood of his one year photo session was *vastly* different than his newborn pictures ;0. Watching his mom and dad go from proud, emotional, somewhat nervous and unsure new parents to happy-go-lucky, joyful, exuberant, relaxed, fun-loving and experienced parents was quite the treat! LOVED the joy and love expressed by everyone at this session.


In all my years as a photographer (and 5+ years feels like a long time to me since the second longest job I’ve ever had was for 2 years), I’ve *never* worked with a child *this* happy. The boy was literally grinning from ear to ear the second he woke up and he just played and giggled and had me wrapped around that chubby little pinky the whole time. Sigh…
I LOVE casual, relaxed, family photo sessions at home like this. Makes me think I need to shop around for another family session for us soon 😉


From the minute I set foot in their home, I felt so grounded and peaceful. They have the most amazing house and garden and play areas set up for the kiddos…and they’re doing a very good job of keeping it earthy and organic. I quite enjoyed the afternoon there…especially the time spent watching the girls play–they were all so comfortable and relaxed and loving.
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I’m sitting here listening to it POUR right now and it’s hard to believe that just a few weeks ago, Austin had emerged from this somewhat cold winter into full on springtime! We had the best time bathing in the sunshine and soaking in the mild, warm weather that evening. Love, love, loved the colors she chose for her family and how they totally fit in with the mood of the session and the city that evening. Now that I think about it, it’s also hard to believe that I first met them when mama was still pregnant with her baby girl–I tried to dig up all the old posts, but my brain just gave up ;-). And now to have documented the first few days and the first year of his life, too, truly means the world!
FYI – if you’ve been thinking about a session this year, a heads up on my calendar:
Feb – full
Mar – full
Apr – 4 openings
May – 1 opening
June – 2 openings
August – open – 
Sep – filling up *very* quickly
Oct – filling up *very* quickly
Nov – too late for holiday sessions
Dec – too late for holiday sessions
Okay. Think I’ll turn off the computer and rest my eyes for a bit while snuggled up listening to the rain…
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When I crested the hilly road on my way to their home, the sun was just barely peeking over the mountains. Okay…there aren’t really any mountains here in Austin, but I was speechless as the fog rolled in over the hills and the sun cast a golden glow in the valley. I knocked on the door and said, “We’ve got about 10 minutes left before we lose this golden opportunity…do you think we can make it out to the hills in time?” They sure did their best to rush out of the house and oh, I was so excited to catch that beautiful “mountain” view!
As the morning progressed, the scenes were just as beautiful. Their home glowed with sunshine and love. Don’t those children have the most compelling eyes?! I love that they’re almost the same ages/genders as my own kiddos and it’s wonderful to see those big brothers dote on their sweet baby sister. They love her fiercely 😉
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Things you should know about their photo session:

– It was cold. Really cold. They were brave. Especially their mama in that cute little dress.
– Her boys are used to being in front of the camera (mom’s a photog) and they made it much too easy for me.
– Her and her boys are beautiful beyond words.
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