Archive for 'Austin family'
I know it is said that “home is where the heart is” and that’s true…you can make almost any place into a home if you fill it with love and happy memories. But I also believe that some houses have a life and energy all their own. I understand the life-long connection some people will have with the places in which they grew up and so did she. And this is the main reason why I went to Houston last month…to capture their house…their home…the place where they brought home their first babies…and ALL of those memories tied so closely to those rooms before they move into their new house next year. I know she already appreciates the kind of value these kinds of photographs will have for her children, but I don’t think her kiddos will fully realize the significance of this particular session until they are off finding houses of their own years from now. I hope they do.
That last image has got to be one of my most fav mother/daughter moments ever. If it was of my daughter and I, it would totally be going up on my walls ;-). Two more session favs are HERE and HERE. And then one more fun thing below (it’s animated…might take a bit to load):
I think you all know by now I ADORE family photo sessions at home…especially when working with small children or larger groups of kiddos. It’s soooooo much easier for everyone. You tend to be more relaxed. You’re more comfortable. We can take more breaks if needed. Kiddos are in their own environment. But perhaps most importantly, you’ve captured where they lived and how they lived so that years from now, after they move away, they can always look back on these images and say, “Hey…I remember when I used to play with that toy.”
I met Brandi (a photographer!) last summer when she attended one of my professional photographer workshops. I knew I liked her right away and as I got to know her more, I realized she is quite the incredible mama! It was such an honor when she asked if I would photograph her family while I was in Houston this summer. Gosh, I was so impressed to see how they run their household first-hand (they are a GREAT team) and she just seems to bask in the glow of being a mommy, even when her youngest daughter decides to put on eyeliner just before the photo session. They have done a wonderful job cultivating these personalities and I can honestly say I loved every second of this session.
(Which ones are my favs from this session? Pretty much all of them, but to highlight, I love these ones HERE and HERE and HERE).
As I promised yesterday, here is the silver lining to all of those “clouds.” See, I told you she turned it around ;-). I just adore her mom’s sense of style. Always have.
…things aren’t always hunky-dory. I find it somewhat humorous that one of my most “liked” images on Facebook came from a session where sooooooo many tears were shed. Bless her heart, for as adorable as she was (and as STUNNING as everyone looked), it was just NOT baby girl’s morning that day. Somehow, we managed to get through (and mom, we have *plenty* of wonderful images coming your way). Will blog more soon, just thought this was a nice reminder of how much effort can go on behind-the-scenes (moms, dads, and photographers alike) to create images that look effortless.
I didn’t realize the significance when her mommy suggested this place for her 9 month photo session. And then…while we were shooting, her mommy said that one year ago they had gotten married there. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh! Well now that is an idea I totally dig! Loved the urban, city-chic vibe of this photo session. And I loved that we plopped down an adorable little girl with chubby baby legs right down on these fancy, urban, city-chic couches ;-). That last image up there? That’s my fav. (Recognize her? To review, you’ve seen her here, here, and here ;-). And another newborn baby grows up right before my eyes. Sniff, sniff 🙁
Our photo sessions are always fun, always colorful, always an adventure and I’m going to tell on myself here…they’re always easy. They just seem to flow naturally…very organic and not forced and that’s what makes it so easy…even when it’s 150 degrees outside…even when someone is having a crying fit, it’s still easy because they both embrace parenthood with a GREAT sense of humor and a relaxed nature. I am pleased to say that I learned a new word at this session:
adj. han·gri·er, han·gri·est
We started out inside…
…on dry land. And these two (three) are beautiful. So beautiful together. But the real fun came when we took it underwater…
Underwater photography is extremely challenging, but I LOVE the freedom of creation it allows…unusual compostions and happy mistakes. I definitely look forward to more underwater shoots…clients if you have session coming up with me in the next few weeks (well…except newborns 😉 or if you’re thinking about booking one for next summer, consider some underwater work…especially if you have a pool (or access to one). We could do something very cool and unusual for you!!!
G & K…it was SO great to see you guys again and I am just thrilled for you guys. Can’t wait to meet baby brother this fall!
I feel like this family is my family. We’ve been working together since before big sis was even born. I remember each session vividly. Baby sister’s newborn session, however, has been my fav so far. It was so relaxed. Mom and dad have settled into parenthood so gracefully…with so much love. It just radiates in this family. It’s obvious that mom and dad have been wonderful role models because big sis completely adores her little sister. (My personal fav from this newborn session is HERE).
Very soon after our photo session, big sis got very, very sick. It broke my heart to read about her hospital stay…thinking about how her mommy must have felt caring for a newborn and worrying so much for her eldest daughter…thinking about how her daddy had to stay by her side in the hospital and keep everything together for his family. She is fully recovered now and they are finally all back together under one roof. I hope I know they are all very much cherishing their time together right now.
I never got a chance to blog their maternity session…a time before they even knew they were having another little girl (I envy families that can keep it a surprise until birth). Oh, this morning was soooooooo hot and muggy, but I’ll take that beautiful light any day…
(My personal fav from their maternity session is HERE.)
Things you should know about this session:
- Baby boy was a little older (7-8 weeks?) than the typical newborn (less than 2 weeks), but as I’ve said before, I’m really starting to enjoy these kinds of sessions because babies are more filled out and interactive.
- The moment I walked into the house, I looked down the long hallway to see that bright point of light where mom was rocking her sweet baby and I had to immediately run to my car to grab my camera to catch that.
- He was sooooooooo squishable. And yes, that is a word. Now.
- LOVED the lighting in this house altogether! So dramatic and painterly.
- His big sister is absolutely amazing with him. Mom is so lucky to have her and she knows it.
- Did you see one of my other favs from this session?
Love, love, loved that they wore this traditional dress for their baby boy’s nine month session. LOVE!