austin_hays_high_school_senior_portraits.jpgOkay. I'm going to point out the obvious here. He's a natural. Duh. There. I said it. I don't often get to photograph senior boys so it was a lot of fun getting to work with him. And even if he thought I was completely goofy (which I am), he was very patient with me and was willing to do whatever. Thanks, T! It was great to meet you and I hope you're making the most out of your senior year!!!

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September 21, 2010

Technically, this was her senior portrait session and her beau was just "the help." But seriously, would you pass up the chance to capture this sweetness? I think not.

Thanks, T, for being such an awesome help at the session and for being such a good sport!

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September 14, 2010

She is one of the most naturally beautiful young ladies I know. She takes after her mama, I think. I know it's taxing to do a session on a school night, but I'm very honored you came out to play tonight.

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She has a smile that beams straight from her heart and a personality that simply can't be contained. We had so much fun darting from here to there exploring around downtown. I love the vintage inspiration in her clothing.

We had to book it to catch the sunset (I tend to get distracted by pretty buildings and great clothes), but we made it...barely. A special thanks to her grandmother for trekking out into the field with us to help hold the light, in spite of the very real threat of fire ants (and I have the bites to prove it).

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So far, she's been the only senior who chose to get up before sunrise to take her senior pictures. And let me tell you, I think we're both glad she did. Can you even believe this beautiful light and check out her wardrobe choices?! Well done!

She was the sweetest person in the world to work with and I had so much fun. Her beau even showed up to help out. Little did he know he'd be dragged into the photo session, too ;-) Here he his helping me take a test shot for my OCF:

T_austin_pflugerville_senior_pictures.jpgIn fact, those two were so darned cute together, I ended up practically doing a whole other mini session just for them. Those pics to come in part 2!

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