Ever notice how some things can fall off of your radar for a while and then all of a sudden, it's everywhere you go...like when you start loving chevron print and can't find it anywhere and then one day, Pinterest and Target are exploding with it ;-). That's how I'm feeling about birth photography lately.
I haven't photographed any births in the past few months because of workshops and my travel schedule, but all of a sudden, BAM! I'm all things birth photography. I'm currently on call for a new baby to be born any minute now (I'm sure his mom wishes it was any minute now ;-). I also had an interesting phone call with a lady up north today about the rise of birth photography in the US (more on that in another post;-). During that chat, I talked about one of my most memorable birth sessions...who happens to be the older brother of a birth from earlier this year that I had not yet blogged. Thought I'd take advantage of this time to go ahead and check that off my ever expanding "to be blogged" list.
Let's start at the beginning for this little guy. This was to be a scheduled c-section and mom said she was determined to show up in heels for his arrival (go mom!). But, a few days before the anticipated date, I got a phone call at 2 a.m., "My water just broke!" She was so incredibly calm, "Yes, I think I'll take a shower and then we'll head over to the hospital in a little while." I was bouncing up and down with excitement and here she was talking like she was heading to the grocery store. She was just like this when her first child was born...she cracks me up--nerves of steel. So, taking a cue from her, I calmed myself down, took my time, and moseyed on down to the hospital some time later.
When I got there, however, everything was moving at warp speed. That had her all checked in and prepped for the OR. Turns out her labor had kicked it into high gear and they were ready to roll. On go the bunny suits and away we go!

It startles me just a bit how quickly c-sections go--fascinating process! Usually, it's only just a few minutes from the time mom is taken into the OR to when we get to hear the sweet cries of a brand new baby...

While mommy was in recovery, I tagged along with dad to capture the first few moments of their new baby boy.

A few hours later, it was finally time for this new family of four to be united. Big brother's reaction to his new little brother was enough to make your heart melt!

What a fun day that 2 a.m. phone call turned out to bring! And, I just got word that I'm going to be seeing this little guy again really soon for his 4 month pictures. I cannot wait to see how he's changed!

I promise you, there was not a dry eye in the house when her father held a prayer for the new parents-to-be and the unborn baby shortly before his arrival. It was one of the most memorable birth moments I've witnessed. When you become a parent for the first time yourself, there's no feeling like it in the world. To get to be a spectator and watch a loving couple go through all of those emotions just before, during, and immediately after they are initiated into parenthood...well, there's also no feeling quite like it in the world. It is an honor I do not take for granted.

...is still just as sweet.
Let me just tell you that I'm glad I decided to go to bed at 11 last night instead of staying up to proof pics because that 2 a.m. call this morning wasn't quite in my plans, LOL. This little man surprised us all just a bit as we were planning to meet him on Monday. It was absolutely incredible to get to be there with this family again (I was there the day their first son was born) and wow, were we all impressed with how big brother *immediately* took to his new sidekick. It was beautiful!
Speaking of beautiful...

....I know. I know. I should just make this the fashion!
It was an exhausting (I haven't pulled a double header in a long time ;-) but ULTRA JOYOUS day! Gosh, I had to pinch myself periodically--is this really my life...my job??? I absolutely adore this family and it was such an honor to get to document his birth. Congratulations again, you guys (guess I'll find out his name at his newborn session, LOL?). You make beautiful babies!
The quest to find the 2011 Pinkle's Pic of the Year has begun! This year, my clients got to select their own entries and wow...this is what they produced!
Round 1 - Jan 16 through midnight central on January 22nd, 2012
Use THIS poll below (for Round 1, you can select more than 1 image!):
Review the entire gallery HERE (you can also click on each image to make it bigger). Poll not displaying properly? Click THIS LINK to vote instead. Again, you can vote for more than one image, but you can only vote one time.
Round 2 - January 23rd-31st, 2011
- 4 finalists will be chosen based on this poll.
- 4 additional finalists will be selected by a panel of professional photographers.
- 4 more finalists will be added by me.
- Another poll will be put up so you can make your final decision from among those 12.
Please stay tuned to the blog and Facebook for updates. Winners will be announced on the blog!
[While "likes" and positive comments on Facebook are welcome, they will not count toward the final vote. ONLY votes on this poll will count. Pinkle Toes Photography reserves the right to modify contest or prizes as necessary. Anyone tampering with the contest or results will be immediately disqualified. No purchase necessary to win.View past winners HERE.]