This is a long one. Grab a cup of coffee. Okay.

About 15 years ago, I was a young, naive college kid and had just landed a job at the Office of Student Activities at my university in Corpus Christi. It was there I met Tracey (gosh...did I really meet Tracey 15 years ago?). She was married, had a young daughter, and was kind of like my older, wiser big sister. I'm not sure Tracey will ever know what she did to guide me and show me the ropes as I was becoming a young adult. She listened, she led by example, taught me a great work ethic, gave great advice, reminded me to stay focused, and helped me through my boy troubles (I later married that boy ;-). A couple of times, she would bring in bags full of her old clothes for me. Tracey was (still is) so stylish and those bags of clothes were like treasure chests to me. I was going to college full time, almost 1,500 miles from the place I called home and I didn't have family close by. I was working and on student loans just to pay tuition, rent, and to make ends meet. Those clothes meant the world to me. I'm getting choked up just remembering.

Tracey also gave me extra jobs here and there to help me get by. One that stands out the most to me was when I watched her then 5-year-old daughter and her new baby brother for a weekend. Well, I tried to make it through the weekend. I ended up getting really, really sick and at about 5 a.m. the first night/morning, I was curled up in their downstairs bathroom, my head in a toilet, trying desperately to keep the room from spinning and to figure out how in the world I was going to survive two more days of this AND care for two young children. And it was there Darrow found me. She was still in her nightgown, she had lovely blonde hair that framed two of the biggest blue eyes I had ever seen. She was (still is) so angelic. Darrow looked at me and then at the toilet and then she said, "Here. Take this," handing me a trash can. "Mommy says when I get sick, I need to use this." I still giggle thinking of how "helpful" she was to me that awful morning. 

And then, fast forward a few more years (actually, almost 12 years ago to the day) when I moved to Austin and sweet Darrow was my flower girl when I married my college sweetheart from Corpus Christi...

[forgive the poor scan quality]

And then fast forward a few more years...like to 2011...and imagine how my heart soared and perhaps broke a little bit when Tracey told me Darrow was graduating high school and wondered if I could take her senior portraits. What an honor!! But what disbelief! I could not even believe this little girl was going to graduate high school. I could not believe her baby brother was a teenager. I could not believe that Tracey went on to have two more children...TWINS, in fact. I could not believe on how much life I had missed out on and was ashamed I had not done more to stay in touch.

Well, we had our session just a few weeks ago. It was positively magical and surreal all at the same time. It was a strange time warp for me...Tracey hadn't changed a bit over the last decade+, but Darrow, Darrow was a young woman. Darrow...was me...my age when I started college and first met her mother. Un.Real.

Tracey and I could barely stop crying when we saw each other. I'm sure it had to have been strange for Darrow, LOL. But I can only hope that when Darrow decides where she's going to college--and especially if she travels far away like I did--that she finds someone who can be a pseudo-mom to her, just like Tracey was for me.
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I started shooting in 2006. That seems like eons ago when I compare my style back then to how I shoot today. I've learned SO much since that time, mostly through trial and error. But boy, it sure would have been nice if I had had a little more personal help along the way. 

I decided to dig up what used to be one of my most favorite images of my middle bear cub. I loved his look...I loved how grown up he looked...lost in thought, but ohhhhh, if I had a do-over with this shot, I would have done so many things differently. The version on the left shows my editing style back in the old days ;-); the one on the right shows you how I would have edited the image a little differently (wish I still had the RAW file, actually, so I could edit effectively in Lightroom). I do think I chose a great moment to capture and a great focal length, but if I had the time to do so, I should have strolled him to a place where the background wasn't quite so blown and more even to help him stand out a little better. Also, in the new version, I cropped out the bottom part of the stroller where the sticker was showing ;-). 

This is the kind of critique participants in the Chic Critique Celebrity Critique can expect from me. I have another 4-week session coming up next month and we have a few openings left if you want to give it a try. It has been such a privilege to be on the outside, seeing images from a different perspective, and by giving just a few quick pointers, helping to turn images that seemed like coal into diamonds. 

By the way, even with his overly-processed, neon blue eyes, I still love this image and always will.
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I left their session walking on air and with such a happy feeling in my heart. It's always wonderful to see past clients and their new + one. It's especially wonderful when that + one settles into the family like he had been there all along. 
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Bless his little heart...this boy gives a new meaning to the word "thriving." He must have been in the middle of one of those cluster-feeding spells when I was there because all he wanted was to nurse with his mama. But, somehow, we managed to snap a few pics here and there between feedings and it worked out just fine. 

P.S. His mama should seriously consider going into interior design because the woman has got outstanding taste and style. Wish I had more time to take more pics of the house...think I need to go back sometime. Either that or move in ;-)
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I think it was 2-3 years ago when I first met these kiddos. We were doing a session to capture big sis before she started losing her baby teeth. At the time, my eldest hadn't lost any of his teeth, and I remember her mom's words really hit home with me--just how precious this time is when they are not babies, but they still have that one last thing that ties them to their baby/toddler days...the baby teeth. And now, just like we did back then, we had the opportunity to catch little bro before he starts to lose his teeth (which, ps...we're lucky because he's *very* rough and tumble and I'm quite surprised he hasn't accidentally lost them, LOL).

I hadn't been to this part of Austin in, gosh, 2 years? And eep...it was actually a little scary, I'm sad to say. I LOVE my city, but I'm not sure what happened here. Regardless of the horrible parking, the noise, the people, and the general disorder, they stuck with me and we got absolutely fantastic and super fun pics of their family. This is definitely going down as a fav session!
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