Goodness gracious, these two are going to have a BEAUTIFUL baby! I mean, look at Miss “Angelina Jolie’s” eyes and lips for goodness sake? The thing that really struck me about their maternity session was how connected and in love these two were. Everywhere we walked, they were hand in hand. Sometimes I felt like I was peering in on their private little world. Thank you two for letting me peer in and I just can’t wait to meet this little baby of yours!

Side note #1 (for photogs): While I actually do about 95% of my photo processing in Lightroom (thanks to Photography Concentrate’s amazing tutorials…they’re having a sale, btw), lately, I’ve been loving my friend Leah Cook’s Matte Black and White action. Thought it would be fun to see this post in color and in Matte Black and White:

It’s so cool how her eyes pop both in color and in black and white!

 Side note #2: Literally just a handful of openings left for the Back-to-School mini sessions.

Side note #3: My friend Leah, whom I mentioned above, is single-handedly responsible for convincing me to give in to my latest obsession that is Instagram. If you’ve follow me  (pinkletoesoriginal), you will see that I’ve been getting a bit experimental with my newfound art medium. I’ve got a little something special in the works that I will introduce soon…I’m quite excited about this new project. At any rate, thanks, Leah, for giving me something else to do with my “spare” time ;-).

Side note #4: I didn’t show you my favorite image from this session up there ;-).