Last month, when we went to Houston for a little family time + a few photo sessions, the days leading up to our departure were dry as a bone. And then all of a sudden, much to my dismay, the storm clouds started rolling in over the Houston area :-(. Amanda and I were in touch the night before, trying to decide what our plan of action would be. I mean, if worse came to worse, I could do a family photo shoot in the rain, but really, who wants to deal with that???? I think the thing that was making me nervous is that I was going to be driving (before sunrise) about an hour from our hotel to a place I’d never been before with unpredictable weather and I was going to have to pull off a photo shoot, site unseen. There…the truth is out. I actually like to plan my sessions well in advance and try to eliminate as many variables as possible. I like to control the things I have control over so that I can handle the things I can’t control (like fussy kiddos or bad weather).
But this post is called the “good luck” session for a reason: we had really, really good luck!!! Watching the radar, there was literally rain and storms all around us. Sure it was a little dark when we got started, but here and there, the sun actually peeked out! But here’s what made this session most enjoyable: Amanda’s children!!! Typically, children of photographers have what we like to refer to as “Photographer Child Syndrome.” If you haven’t heard of it before, basically children w/ PCS turn into little ornery buggers whenever a camera comes near them (I give you exhibits A and B). Amanda’s kiddos, on the other hand, were perfect angels. I don’t know what they’re doing, but they have raised some loving, polite, respectful and joyful children and they should be very, very proud.
My personal fav is HERE!