Okay, okay. I know this one is super photo heavy, but #sorrynotsorry. I love it when good things happen to good people and I love getting to document those good things for good people. Let’s take a quick trip down memory lane, shall we? It all started when dad wanted to surprise his then girlfriend with an engagement session with me. And then we celebrated the good news that they were expecting their first baby. And then he was born. I will remember each and every photo session I’ve done with this beautiful family for the past several years (even if I haven’t blogged them all yet…ooops). Somehow, they’ve each remained true to this bright, clean, modern aesthetic even with all of the changes over time.

And now they’ve built their dream home with lovely clean lines and subtle pops of color and INCREDIBLE light (mom is a photographer, so that makes sense) and they have settled into their new home beautifully. And we got to do all of little man’s favorite things like reading stories, playing with construction vehicles, stacking blocks, snuggling, airplane, and making coy model faces at me. He even learned to “toast” and thought that was the funniest thing he’d ever seen. It was just the most glorious morning hanging out. Favity fav HERE. So happy for you guys and the life you have created for each other and that sweet boy!