Honestly, I cannot even wrap my head around the fact that I have photographed ALL four of these precious children as newborns. Each of their sessions have been memorable, joyful, beautiful, and unique. I can recall little moments from every single one. I really should take the time to dig up the blog posts on each of them, but I worry that my heart couldn’t take the bittersweet sting of nostalgia.

Baby Scarlett’s session was no exception to the rule of gorgeous newborn photos. But there was plenty of *spice* here, too. I will give you one guess as to who kept us all laughing non-stop :-). I love it all. I love the amazing red hair (always a sucker for red hair). I love the breathtaking love and tenderness shown to this sweet baby girl. I love her chubby cheeks and perfectly pouty lips. I love the gangly folded knees and elbows. I love the upside downs and right side ups. I love the special bond that is visible between the sisters and between the brothers and among the individual siblings. Each person in the family is a crucial puzzle piece. Each person has something to contribute and something to gain from one another. It is and always has been a wonderful dynamic to watch blossom each time I see them.

In case you missed it on Instagram, be sure to check out the image we worked SO hard to recreate from a past newborn photo session :-).