Archive for 'Austin Senior'


austin urban family photography

I’ve had the pleasure of working with this family for years…many of my most memorable sessions have been documenting their lives and the girls growing up. We’ve spent most of our sessions at their beautiful ranch land, exploring the outdoors. However, they have since traded some of their ranch life for city life in the heart of downtown Austin and it was a super cool change of place to explore the urban outdoors for this session. Such a fun family, always up for anything and we always create something unique together! (Favorite family shot is HERE.)

Looking at these images together like this, it’s very Halloween inspired, huh? Very much looking forward to seeing everyone’s pictures on Instagram and Facebook tomorrow! Have a Happy and Safe Halloween!

I can’t say it’s any big secret that I kinda dig Georgetown and have quite enjoyed photographing several families and high school seniors there over the past 8 years. It’s got this cute vibe that’s retro, Texas, antique, vintage, funky, cool, hip, and country all at the same time without the same level of traffic and parking issues as one might face here in Austin. So I was thrilled when I got to work with these guys again, but this time, on their turf.

While I’m very used to the little ache in my heart I often get when I see a newborn baby or toddler grow up before my camera, it still amazes me how much even older kids can change so quickly in the span of just a few years. I take this little preview into what I have in store for me as a blessing and a constant reminder to relish every single moment and milestone I have with my own kids.

K…your boys are still as fun and funny as they were two years ago. I think you are obviously doing something right. And they are obviously kindofamazing all on their own.

A little moment that was both spontaneous and created as I was leaving that night HERE.

ad-pinkle-toes-senior-photos-downtown-austin-texas-class-of-2015[Austin senior portraits: Class of 2015]

I promise to get to the point of this post title in a little bit. Meanwhile, just let me tell you this young lady positively sparkles! Her smile is radiant, yes, but she was so pleasant…so confident…just easy to be around and work with. Lovely, lovely young lady! Another fav HERE!

Okay, now on to the post title: at the end of our session, as I was taking that very last image of her up there, I had been gearing up for the perfect skyline shot, but as I was about to press the shutter, a couple situated themselves just to the left of my frame. I thought I’d wait it out a bit and just decided on vertical pictures for a few. But they just weren’t leaving. They were talking. A long time. Just as I was about to move us to another location, I saw him drop to one knee. Oh, my word! They were getting engaged!!!! LOLOLOL. My frustration quickly melted away into pure joy…they were so adorable and everyone around started clapping and cheering them on. I’ve never seen a proposal before (it has always been a secret dream of mine to photograph an engagement), so on the sly, I snapped a few images for them when she said yes. My model up there was such a good sport, too, letting me share her spotlight with the happy couple for a few minutes.  I was so thrilled to have been in just the right place at just the right time! It was indeed a good interruption.

ak-austin-senior-portraits-georgetown-mount-bonnell-couples-engagement-photography-pinkle-toesShe is a BUSY gal. Her boyfriend is a busy guy. And my oh my, we had to work very hard to get our schedules to align just perfectly. So you can imagine my worry when I saw a huge chance for rain on the very afternoon we were slated to shoot…outdoors…atop Mount Bonnell in Austin, TX. We pushed up our start time as much as we could to avoid the rain and darkness and I think we finished our session just in the “nick” of time!

She is such a lovely young lady and so patient climbing around through the rocks in high heels. And her beau was such the gentleman. I quite enjoyed working with them as a couple. They are good together. I am very excited to see what the future holds in store for her…and him…and the two of them together.

Still my fav (her idea!).

Graduating high school seniors, Class of 2015: NOW is the time to schedule your senior portrait photo session. Please, please don’t wait until next spring as my calendar fills up so quickly. Contact me ASAP for more info!


This entire session felt like it could have been oil on canvas, really. Which is entirely suiting as she is an artist herself (I spy one of her works in these images, actually). She is a senior in high school, yet she is completely sure of who she is and the person she wants to become…she doesn’t even have to say it. Her eyes speak it.

I could relive this session over and over again and it would still be just as refreshing and invigorating as it was that evening. There is an unexplainable magic in the air when you are able to collaborate with people who contribute so much to and can somehow share your vision at the same time.  Photographer’s high.

Another image HERE and then see my FAV larger HERE.

Good luck, S, as you wrap up your final year of high school. I have no doubt great things are in store for you.

Class of 2015 – Juniors currently enrolled in Austin-area schools (Westlake, Georgetown, Round Rock, Plugerville, Lake Travis, etc.): NOW is the time to schedule your senior portrait session. I will be starting these sessions in December of this year through April of 2015. Do not wait! If you want images in time for your graduation, that window will close before you know it.

[As always, perfect hair and makeup by Katie at Modern Muse Beauty].

kw-austin-senior-portraits-horse-velvet-couch-colorful-natural-vibrant-high-school-bI mean seriously? How did we get so lucky to have a gorgeous, spring-like day in December last year? Especially considering that we were already getting ice??? But we definitely lucked out and I was THRILLED to get to take these photos for such a lovely and kind and confident young lady. And the fact that we got to work with her horse just made it all the more personal and beautiful!
We will start scheduling senior pictures for Austin seniors in December of this year (2014) through February-March of 2015, so again, you want to get on my calendar ASAP.

P.S. Another image from this session can be found HERE.

sj-austin-senior-high-school-pictures-downtown-austin-urban-south-congressI was blessed to be able to photograph both his older sister’s and his older brother’s senior portraits and something came up last year that threatened our chances of continuing this tradition. Which is why this session meant the world to me. Which is why THIS image is one of my favorites. Which is why I am always grateful for any chance I get to have pictures taken with my own family. Which is why I do what I do. XOXO, M. You inspire me and your children are amazing extensions of the incredibly wonderful, giving, loving person that you are.

Mar 04, 2014

hr-austin-vintage-rustic-natural-barn-fog-wildflower-creek-water-senior-portraitsShe is the daughter of my husband’s cousin. When she was little, she had these long, beautiful, caramel and chocolate ringlets of hair and I’d watch as my husband’s father helped her feed the fish in the pond in his backyard. I must have been newly married back then and I remember hoping that I would someday have a daughter with long hair and my husband’s father could help her feed the fish in the pond in his backyard.

Some wishes do come true, and sometimes, they don’t always play out like you imagined them. My husband’s dad did get to spend a few years with his grandchildren, but not quite as many as I had hoped for.

It was my honor to see this little lady again to take her senior portraits. We are all very proud of the beautiful, confident young lady she has become (Pop/Uncle Virgil, included).

XOXO, my dear! {Another image can be found HERE and check out the Waterlogue app version of one of these images HERE}.

sh-austin-georgetown-round-rock-candid-senior-portraits-piano-creekHis mama first contacted me about doing his senior portraits back in December of 2012. She had me at “I want to put a piano in a creek.” I told her find me a piano and it will be done. And she found me a piano that has been sitting on my porch for close to a year. I cannot even begin to tell you how HEAVY that thing is and it’s a true miracle that we got it loaded to come to my place. For one reason or another (like FLOODS and ICE), we kept having to reschedule his session, but when the day finally came, when the stars aligned and the weather cooperated and the creek wasn’t rushing and the wonderful piano moving volunteers’ schedule aligned with ours–well, it was just AWESOME! You should have seen the looks we were getting as they pushed the piano down a sidewalk and right INTO the water. People were coming in from all over the place just to sit down and say they played the piano in the creek.

But no one could play it quite like he did. Even grossly out of tune and missing several keys, he was still able to make that piano sound good. He’s quite the talented musician and I’m just so thrilled we were finally able to make this session happen for him and for his very diligent mommy. It was truly a magical day!

[To see a “snow” version, go HERE and one HERE].

se-austin-senior-portraits-urban-downtown-austin-grafitti-wall-6th-street-austin-muralAnd even then, she was still just as quietly confident as she is now! I was so very excited to have the opportunity to capture this monumental time in her life (in her parents’ lives, too!). They have every reason to be proud of her! She’s going to do just fine out in the real world!

P.S. So my editor asked me if I’d seen it in one of the images from her session. No…I hadn’t, but I’m glad she did. What is it?