Archive for 'Austin Senior'


I’ve worked with him and his family for years. It was jarring to me realizing that this would be the year we would have to do SENIOR PORTRAITS. While no tears were shed at the session itself, I know that this journey is going to be equal parts thrilling and heartbreaking for his mama. I may or may not have gotten choked up a couple of times imagining myself in her shoes in just a few very short years. And whoa…I know she has GOT to be so incredibly proud of him!




Listening to the soft sounds of him playing the ukulele at the end of our session was a tremendous treat. The joy on his face and the feeling of peace that washed over all of us, I will never forget. My absolute FAV image during this time is HERE.


This silhouette might be my second favorite image from our private concert.

But THIS was definitely my favorite moment of the entire session right here. His mom’s look. Sigh…

And speaking of his mama, the session in her words:

1) Tell us a little bit about your family… Its just the three of us – Preston, Parker and myself. Life raising two boys has been such an adventure. I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
2) What made you decide this was the time to do a photo session? Were you marking any special occasion, etc? For Preston’s Senior portraits, I had no hesitation in booking Michele. It is such a bittersweet time – with Preston being my first born leaving for college. She has captured my family so perfectly, I would entrust no one else for a time as important as this.
3) Where was your session held and why? We held the session in downtown Austin. We have done a family shoot on South Congress (a favorite spot of ours) and one in Georgetown where we live. Preston loves the urban setting of downtown Austin, and despite of where he decides to spend his next four (or six!) years – Austin will always be *home* and he has always said he wants to come back to Austin at some point after he starts his career. We wanted the backdrops of his shoot to mirror the different shades of his personality and his passions. Knowing that there might not be too many other opportunities for a portrait session with him by himself – a senior portrait is much more significant than just about a kid graduating from high school. It captures that moment of transition from childhood to adulthood. It captures 18. It captures those last moments that a senior has at home before taking those significant next steps in life.
4) What did you like about your session location? I was thankful that Michele was able to find a location for us that in a short amount of time gave us such varied backdrops for Preston’s shoot. It will give Preston and I so much to choose from. In coming to know my family and describing Preston’s personality and passions, she was able to choose a location that would be the best fit.
5) What was your favorite part of your session? My favorite part was watching Michele enjoy Preston playing the ukelele during the shoot. Not just posing with it. I loved watching her ridiculous and awesome creative skill kick in – working to capture his personality.
6) Was there anything you were nervous or worried about before the session? Not one thing.
7) Any advice to other families before their photo sessions? Trust Michele. Let her do her magic. Follow her advice. Enjoy it. It is an investment you will never regret.
8) What made you choose Pinkle Toes Photography? I was a portrait photographer when my babies were babies. I am very particular and know what I want the end result of a shoot to be. In researching photographers after I moved to Austin, Michele stood out amongst them all. Her shoots capture personality. Capture life. Capture relationships.
9) What do you hope your kids/family will say years down the road when looking at these images? It’s not even a hope…I *know* that years down the road, we will look back and the series of photos of each shoot will take us back to that time in our lives. The images are like a little time capsule of memories that we will have to treasure forever. My only regret is not discovering Michele and her talent 10 years ago.

…we braved the cold and explored South Congress. I love that we got to see so many new places that I hadn’t really photographed before. It’s pretty amazing that for as long as I’ve been taking pictures in Austin, we can still find something new…a different perspective…something unique to the area and to the subject. Her smile is absolutely gorgeous and she just naturally lovely and radiant and graceful. What a pleasure to get to commemorate her senior year with this photo session! One of my favs HERE.









Sometimes, Austin falls into this gloomy little weather pattern and it seems like every day is met with overcast skies and drizzle. We’ve had her senior portraits planned forever, but sure enough, the morning of our shoot was chilly, overcast, and there was the ever-present drizzle (I wonder if this is what it’s like to live in Seattle?). But Ally’s fun personality and roll-with-it attitude brightened our entire session. She brought such a positive energy and I had no choice but to giggle with her (and her parents who were goofing off in the background to keep her laughing). As funny as she is, she’s also incredibly graceful and it was quite the treat to have her en pointe in the middle of Congress Ave! I posted this image already, but this one is probably my fav ;-). Best of luck to you, Ally, as you finish up your senior year in high school! Your personality is going to serve you well as you pursue your dreams, my dear, I have no doubts!


Pinkle Toes Photography has been around long enough to where I am starting to see many of my session come full-circle. I first met Marianne almost five years ago when we got together in downtown Austin one morning to photograph her daughter’s senior portraits. It’s hard to believe she’s MARRIED now! A few years later it was her son’s turn (the pupster is prominently featured in the images below) and then next thing you know, her youngest son was also graduating high school.

And here we are…it’s 2015…the kids are grown and going in all new directions and Marianne wanted one last chance to capture them together, at home, being a family before even more momentous changes take place in their lives. I was so looking forward to get this incredible opportunity to finally work with them all together and honored to be invited into their home.


Oh…these flowers. There’s a story about them. I won’t get into details (well, maybe you can learn some below), but I can only hope that everyone will have a little giggle each time they see this pic and remember what their dad went through to get these gorgeous flowers “planted.” 😉 just for the session.



A house full of love. And animals!





The treehouse they built together.




The look this cat gave him when he picked her up? Oh, my, word!





Love. And LOVE.


And then Marianne retreated into the kitchen to make a giant breakfast while the kids and animals 😉 visited in the living room. It was comfortable. It was natural. It was so relaxed.





Three words come to mind when I see/think of Marianne = radiance, grace, strength.



And I have to say, Marianne has a true knack for decorating! I adored the way she dressed the breakfast table! And there’s all kinds of sweet, tasteful touches throughout the home.





Priceless! I’m afraid we encouraged some bad habits that morning. Ooops!



The whole crew!



In Marianne’s words:

Tell us a little bit about your family…

We’re a ragamuffin crew that love each other immensely. We’re so far from perfect but we stick together through whatever life throws at us…it’s better together. We are blessed with mercy and grace.

What made you decide this was the time to do a photo session? Were you marking any special occasion, etc?

We are all launching out in new directions…boys in college, Annie and Ben beginning a new marriage and new careers…and Rick and I entering our 25th year of marriage as empty nesters…. I wanted some photos to memorialize how much we love being a family but also how “okay” it is that we are moving into individual spaces in life. It’s kind of a way of leaving breadcrumbs along the trail…or a big landmark on the path behind us.

Where was your session held and why?

As a military family we have lived in 10 different homes in 7 different locations including 3 different countries. We’ve lived in this house the longest (6 years) and wanted to have the shoot here to remember the last (and longest) place we’ve lived together. It seems that this house holds the most special of memories…proms, graduations, weddings, and even tough times – and it is chalk full of life and love. As empty nesters, Rick and I will most likely move in the not too distant future. Somehow having pics of the last place we all lived together under one roof makes it all them much more special.

What did you like about your session location?

We loved having Michele in our home. She is so easy to be with and we have considered her a dear friend for so long…it only seemed natural to have her here. It was fun to have her “eye” spy the beauty in our home and I knew she would memorialize it perfectly.

What was your favorite part of your session?

Though none of us are particularly “morning people” it was so fun to have everyone “up and atem” at 7am and even smiling. I loved that the session was more like a family event – “remember that time Michele came to our house super early and we got all dressed up and took pix…”

Was there anything you were nervous or worried about before the session?

I was worried that no one would smile at 7am!

Any funny stories or interesting happenings during your session?

Well…I’m not sure we should mention the flowers for our mailbox that Rick took from the neighbors bush at 6:15am the day of the shoot…but fyi – they were dead by the next day! It was funny to see our Cat diva-it up. He never comes around but just had to be part of the action.

Any advice to other families before their photo sessions?

Do what seems natural…whatever you do as a family that brings pleasure (for us…well, we eat breakfast!) haha.

What made you choose Pinkle Toes Photography?

We love Michele!

What do you hope your kids/family will say years down the road when looking at these images?

Remember that day we got all dressed up early in the morning and Michele came and took pix? That was so fun!!




All along, we had been planning to take her high school senior portraits in downtown Austin. However, after getting a glimpse of their BEAUTIFUL home, we decided it might be a better idea to try photographing her there, instead. Throw in the underwater pictures that we took at the end and I think we created some gorgeous, very personalized, unique senior photos to capture her…in her element…to commemorate her senior year before “leaving the nest.”












Also loved THIS underwater photo. And of course, THIS one, too! And a Behind-the-Scenes pic, too (thanks again, Jackson).



In Lilly’s words:

Tell us a little bit about your family…

My family is awesome! It’s just me, my mom and dad, and my sister and we all get along really well. We are a little weird but that’s what makes us so close. My sister and I have always had a very close relationship and have always gotten along well. It is the same with my parents. I consider my sister my best friend and my parents my greatest role models and supporters. [Pretty lucky bunch! –M]

What made you decide this was the time to do a photo session? Were you marking any special occasion, etc?

I did this photo shoot for my senior pictures.

Where was your session held and why?

It was held at my house because I think there is something very personal about where someone lives and I thought it would be cool to capture me in my “natural habitat.”

What did you like about your session location? 

I didn’t realize how many cool places there were around my house to take pictures. I loved the thought of being in my own element and capturing kind of what my daily life looks like.

What was your favorite part of your session?

My favorite part of the session was probably the underwater pictures. I have never done anything like that before and it was really awesome to see how they ended up. It was also nice to cool off after a hot photo shoot!

Was there anything you were nervous or worried about before the session?

I have always been kind of an “awkward photo taker” so I guess I was nervous that I wouldn’t be able to pull off some of the things that may be asked of me. That fear went away quickly though because Michelle made me feel very comfortable.

Any funny stories or interesting happenings during your session?

The underwater photos were definitely an experiment! We weren’t sure how they were going to turn out but they came out beautiful and I am so happy for that. My dog also wanted to be in on all of the action. She followed us to every location and always wanted to be a part of the pictures. [True story!–M]

What made you choose Pinkle Toes Photography?

I have had friends that have used Pinkle Toes for their senior portraits and I loved them. I knew ink district after I saw my friend’s pictures that I wanted to use Pinkle Toes for my own portraits.

What do you hope your kids/family will say years down the road when looking at these images? 

I hope that they will just talk about how natural they look. I am big on being yourself and looking natural and so I hope that when we look at these photos down the road, it won’t necessarily look like I had a big photo shoot, but just that I was spending time in my house and decided to take some photos. [Love this, Lilly! I hope so, too! –M]





Oh, were we ever lucky that the skies parted and gave us this glorious evening for her high school senior portraits!! We had be fretting over the forecast for a week and even the day of, we were checking the hourly every five minutes. But we took a chance and decided to make it happen and I’m so glad we did! She happens to be the sister of someone you may recognize on the blog and I was so very honored to get to create these senior pictures for her. She looked absolutely incredible, full of confidence and full of creative ideas for her photo session! And thanks to no rain, we were able to explore pretty much every single vision she had for this special occasion and then some!





I can’t decide if this one above or THIS one is my favorite bluebonnet pic!







 Oh, I do love confetti!


westlake-austin-texas-high-school-senior-portraits-15Gorgeous, gorgeous person and a gorgeous, gorgeous evening!



It really wasn’t all that long ago when I had the opportunity to take senior portraits for his older sister.  And now we got to carry on that tradition to celebrate and commemorate his senior year in high school! When I first started going through the images, I just had to send his mama a note:

I just thought you should know that you are doing something right, my dear! Both of your children that I’ve met so far are lovely, confident, charming people. You give me hope for my own kiddos 😉

And I meant every word. There is no denying that her children are gorgeous, but when they can be funny and humble and gorgeous on the inside, that bodes so well for their futures as adults in this world!





I kept teasing him, convinced he was part of the Secret Service or something. Then we invoke a bit of “Men in Black” in this pic above.










 Random shot here, but I just loved how candid it was!




 Pretty incredible eyes, huh?




I really love that we got to work with one of most prized possessions…his car! There’s something about your first car that you never forget. It symbolizes freedom and growing up and adventure.



Also love that he refuses to remove the beach parking stickers leftover from all of their family vacations. Winner!



H – I really enjoyed getting to meet and work with you. I know your family is incredibly proud of you and your accomplishments. Enjoy every second of these last few days of high school life.

P.S. This might be an unusual choice, but THIS one might be my favorite from the entire session. AND, for a little behind-the-scenes look, check THIS out.


Her high school senior photo session was absolutely incredible. I mean, wow, everything came together perfectly…a lovely young lady who really let her personality sparkle, perfect weather, beautiful light, amazing hair and makeup (as always) by Katie with Modern Muse Beauty, and the height of wildflower season. Could not ask for anything more to feed my creative soul!




Lensbaby, you did not disappoint:



I think she resembles Lana Del Rey a little here?






Oh, this dress was divine! And the back, too! Wow!


By the time we got done with the bluebonnets, it was dark :-(. But not to worry. The greenhouse and a little off-camera lighting made for some really cool nighttime portraits:


You can see the setup here.



Not sure I could pick a fav from this session, however. I mean *maybe* this one HERE, but really, she kinda nailed them all!

austin-twin-brother-sister-high-school-senior-portraits-downtown-city-urban-south-congress-capitolI cannot even begin to imagine how I will be feeling when my oldest son is on the edge of high school graduation, so my heart is both elated and crushed for the parents of this brother and sister who are celebrating their senior year of high school. We somehow managed to pull this senior portrait photo shoot together in record time. Literally, I think we spoke on a Thursday and somehow the stars aligned with everyone’s schedules and held the session that Sunday. It was wonderful to photograph them separately, but my favorite moments were their candid interactions as brother and sister. I loved all of the splashes of color we were able to find in downtown Austin (sigh…this city never disappoints) and especially the convenience of the construction sign for the new South Congress Hotel. The beauty of a Sunday morning is that we pretty much had the city to ourselves which allowed lots of opportunities to (safely) play in the streets and get unique perspectives. I was very much honored to be given this opportunity to photograph this monumental time for their family and I so look forward to seeing what these two can do in this world!


Let me tell you, it was REALLY cold out during her senior portrait photo session. Much, much too cold for Austin. And we lost our light sooooooooo fast. I truly thought it might just snow on us…that’s how it looked. But you know what? This absolutely beautiful young lady wasn’t phased one bit. She didn’t complain once and she just rolled through the session like everything was awesome. And because of that, it was! And doesn’t she have the most perfect smile ever???? That’s what happens when a wonderful personality radiates from the inside, out.