Archive for 'Austin Kids'

Jun 19, 2010


I’ve been looking forward to this session for a long time. I SO want to post more, but gotta be off to bed for Xpressions earrrrrrly in the a.m. Night, night, and thanks guys for a fantastic evening!

Jun 18, 2010


Need I say more?

wimberly_family_photographer.jpgI’m going to tell on myself here…I don’t like to drive. I make my husband do all the driving. However, tonight, I had to make the trek out to Wimberly to meet up with this family all by my lonesome. And you know what? It wasn’t bad. Not bad at all. In fact, it was a BLAST and wow, Wimberly is beautiful…and so was this family. I loved their eclectic style…lots of color, lots of texture, lots of unique uses for old things. They were relaxed, comfortable, easy going, and so much fun to be around. I didn’t want the evening to end. And, I didn’t even mind the drive home, mostly because I couldn’t wait to flip through their images 😉

ETA a quick outtake…this would be right as baby girl decided to somersault off the bed. Thankfully, I can shoot one-handed in situations such as this and mom and dad have pretty quick reflexes too!


Jun 16, 2010


I need to be stopped. I’ve officially gone crazy over these amazing iPhone cases from Get Uncommon (thanks a lot, Lyndsay ;-). I wasn’t really sure about the quality until I saw it in person and wow! It’s amazing! I may end up with a whole collection of these puppies.

Clients…if you have an iPhone, you’ve got to give this a try!!! In fact, if you want to use one of the images from any session with me, let me know and I would be happy to format it for you (the wrap can actually be a little tricky as I’ve learned and sometimes you need a little extra special photoshop work ;-). Contact me by the end of this month (even if you haven’t actually had your session yet) and I’ll help you out.

P.S. I think these would rock for seniors!

Jun 15, 2010


Can you figure it out?

Thank you so much to Z and his mommy for not looking at me like I was crazy when I told them what I wanted to do tonight. I can’t even begin to tell you how much fun a session is when you just go with the flow and let the ideas roll. Happy early b-day to mr. Z!

[P.S. Happy 1st b-day to Kai if his mommy is reading this ;-)]

Jun 15, 2010


This is what she insisted upon this morning. I admit that I loved it. But mostly I loved that she kept saying, “huuuu-la, huuuu-la” over and over again in her sweet, raspy, baby voice.


So thrilled to have started this exciting new project with Baby Coco. Every so often, we’ll be featuring fabulous nurseries meticulously put together by Baby Coco and their clients. Such a joy to get to meet new people, hang out in beautiful spaces, and of course, play with ADORABLE babies! I just love seeing all the details that make a baby’s nursery so special and I can’t wait to see where Cheyenne asks me to go next.

Call for Austin area baby models: I’m currently looking for a baby girl about 3-5 months old who is available the morning of June 20th at 6:45 a.m. to do a quick session for Baby Cakes Scottsdale. Signed model release is required. In exchange for use of the images, you will receive low res copies of the edited images, a beautiful baby blanket ($100 value) and 1/2 off the Creative Fee for a 2010 Premium Session with me! Not a bad deal, huh?  Interested applicants need to complete this form and send a fairly recent picture of your baby (doesn’t need to be professional) to me. Deadline to apply is Monday, June 14th.

Side note, for random and mostly useless info about me, check out my recent interview on The Creative Mama.

Stay cool!


We melted and we couldn’t get up.

Seriously cookin’ at tonight’s session, but hey, we got family pictures with EVERYONE in the frame, so I’d say it was a success! Thanks for putting up with the heat and location change guys.

Jun 05, 2010

austin_family_photographer.jpgAustin is losing such a super cool family, so we had a little photo session to help commemorate their best memories of Austin. Best of luck to you all in Dallas and Austin will miss you!

[I first met this beautiful family at an Xpressions session when she was only 6 months old – see pics 7 & 8. Our next one is coming up on June 20th and we have 2 early morning openings left. You absolutely cannot beat early morning sessions…cool, refreshing, amazing light. Come play! Especially all of those mommies due in August…it’s a perfect time to capture those maternity portraits before the summer really sets in.]

May 27, 2010
Okay, I’ll be the first to admit, this one had a tough start. This beautiful family ventured out quite a ways for our session and older bro fell asleep in the car. Understandably so, he was not thrilled with being awakened and then having to walk out into this field in the middle of nowhere. Oh my goodness, we tried *everything* and I mean everything to cheer him up, but it just wasn’t working. I started to get scared because the sun was setting fast and we had already been out there about 20-30 min and I wasn’t able to get much at all.

Finally I just decided to invite the whole crew back to my house for some drinks and snacks and Legos. Both boys brightened up at that idea and it actually turned out to be a lovely evening for us all (well, if you don’t count the mosquitoes). We drug out the old purple couch into the bluebonnets in my yard and in between crackers and Lego creations, we managed to pull off a photo shoot before the sun set. Fresca saves the day once again!!!