Archive for 'Austin Kids'


tonight was almost too easy.

But back to the somersault:

r2.jpgNo worries. I caught her ;-). Oi.

Sep 29, 2010


I’ve been dying to blog this session from forever ago, but I wanted to wait until I had the album in hand to show you, too. Aren’t these cover materials awesome??? And her cover is actually RED viper…how cool is she? Clients, don’t forget to ask me about the special offer on upgrading to these beautiful albums.

Here are the page spreads from their family album:


Oh, this session was such a blast! You wouldn’t believe how hot we were, but it was quite the treat to get into the water at the end. And of course there was that beautiful, glowy, sunset.
Sep 26, 2010


Even I felt giddy this morning.


So, I thought I’d acknowledge it one more time.

Now kindly go away, summer ;-). I’m ready for fall now.

Sep 23, 2010


It was Homeschool Day at Sea World and I felt so lucky to have heard about it from a wonderful client/friend last week. What an amazing experience for the entire family! It was so easy, so effortless. No heat, no crowds, no being forced to eat yucky, overpriced park food. We just toured around, fed the dolphins, watched the whale show, explored aquariums, and simply played…together. The park staff was so laid back–it actually felt like less of a cattle drive and more like how a visit to a place this magical should be.

It was also really cool to scope out the other homeschooling families in our area. I don’t know what I was expecting, but everyone was just so…so…normal. The kids were happy and smiling and well-adjusted and the parents were patient and encouraging and relaxed. What a joy to see all of those families embracing the homeschooling spirit! I had no idea how many there are out there, but this small sampling was quite a decent sized group.

I also had no idea that there is homeschooling “branding.” A few shirts today cracked me up. Made me feel like we needed to be one of the “cool kids,” too.

I look forward to hopefully doing this again next year. And wow, I just learned about Disney Homeschool Days as well! We’re going to be busy. Do you all know of any other events like this we should check out?

(Note, I realize I’ve been seriously remiss in updating our homeschool blog. Ugh. I should have known I wouldn’t be able to keep up with yet another blog. I have been sharing some things via the Creative Mama blog, but perhaps I can try to do some homeschool updates on here every now and then. Perhaps. No promises 😉

Sep 20, 2010
joyfolie_austin_commercial_child_photographer.jpgHer shoes and clothing are like little works of art. I couldn’t wait to show them off to you.

And then for good measure:


Sep 19, 2010


But look at all of these beautiful faces!!

[As with all Xpressions sessions, these have received minimal adjustments, but no full retouching]

Sep 18, 2010


He’s not a ham. Not one bit.

Sep 14, 2010


She is one of the most naturally beautiful young ladies I know. She takes after her mama, I think. I know it’s taxing to do a session on a school night, but I’m very honored you came out to play tonight.

My middle child just yelled down the stairs. I think he really meant it, for this is what I found:

foundation_austin_child_photographer.jpgThe secret to a happy childhood is indeed a solid foundation. Don’t hate me because I’m such a wonderful parent. You could learn a lot from me. You’re welcome.