Archive for 'Austin Kids'

Okay. I’m done moping now. Here are a few photos from his newborn session…
…family snuggles and special time just for dad + daughter…
…a piano prodigy, funny songs made up to Nirvana tunes by dad, headstands on a funky purple couch, lush green grass where mom and dad could rest for spell…
…bikes and wagons…
…sprinklers and watermelon…
…and even me! P.S. Remember the story about the bottom left photo? I still laugh about that.

1. LOVED working in this part of town. It is so rich with color and culture! So happy mom took me up on this idea!
2. We walked. A lot. A whole lot. I’m not good with directions ;-).
3. This little man has got to be the happiest kid on earth! I smiled the whole time while editing his session.
I hope I’m not telling on myself, but truly, this was one of the easiest sessions I’ve ever had (I guess I’ve paid my dues in the past). These boys were amazing and their parents were so relaxed and down-to-earth. Driving up to their home, I was getting *really* nervous because the skies were getting dark and there were rumors of bad storms (I guess that tells you how long ago this session was ;-). So when I got there, I told the boys that we were going to have to make it quick. They were absolute ANGELS! Not gonna lie…when I got a little giddy that their grandparents showed up for a few shots (celebrating a BIG anniversary this year). And I’m also not gonna lie about how mom’s eyes mesmerized me.