Archive for 'Austin family'

com_austin-family-lifestyle-photography.jpgI hope I’m not telling on myself, but truly, this was one of the easiest sessions I’ve ever had (I guess I’ve paid my dues in the past). These boys were amazing and their parents were so relaxed and down-to-earth. Driving up to their home, I was getting *really* nervous because the skies were getting dark and there were rumors of bad storms (I guess that tells you how long ago this session was ;-). So when I got there, I told the boys that we were going to have to make it quick. They were absolute ANGELS! Not gonna lie…when I got a little giddy that their grandparents showed up for a few shots (celebrating a BIG anniversary this year). And I’m also not gonna lie about how mom’s eyes mesmerized me.

Jul 31, 2011


In looking back through this session, it was truly like three sessions in one. When I first arrived, our session was very lifestyle, very casual, just the three of them hanging out. I really enjoyed that little peek into their normal lives even though we could tell early on that baby girl was really, really tired. Like most babies, her normal schedule was off that day and we finally decided to let her grandmother rock her to sleep to see if a nap would help her get back to her happy little self. It did afford us a great opportunity to get some shots of just mom + dad, but…

…it didn’t work.

Grandmother tried and tried to get her to sleep and as tired as she was, she fought and fought. Finally, she just gave up and fell asleep in mom’s arms outside. I loved those moments:

i2_austin_baby-photos.jpgAnd then out of the blue, about 5 minutes into her nap, she just woke up…bright-eyed, happy as can be, totally refreshed. I don’t know how she did it, but that girl mastered the art of cat-napping right then and there.

i3_austin_baby_family_photographer.jpgNow that I think about it, this is really the biggest benefit of hiring an experience professional photographer to come to your home to take pictures. You truly never know how your kiddos are going to feel that day (actually, I tell parents to expect the worst ;-). It’s got to be nice to get to take breaks as often as needed in your own environment. And what a relief to know you’ve got someone that’s going to be there through the long haul to make sure your session is a success. I am SOOOOOOO glad we all stuck it out for these last few frames! Loved
the sparkle of her eyes and the rosy glow of those “fresh from a nap”
cheeks. She looks so doll-like here!

Jul 31, 2011


I don’t mean this to sound shallow in any way whatsoever, but throughout my (relatively short in the grand scheme of things) career (that word just sounds weird) as a photographer, I’ve met some beautiful children, but I gotta tell you that when I was greeted by these three handsome boys, I believe I gasped. Maybe it was their perfect skin or maybe it was those crystal, honey eyes, or maybe those incredible lashes, but my word, how does one family get to be so lucky in the looks department?

I loved the personality of this session, too. It was fast-paced and spunky (much like the older brothers) and sprinkled with lots of love (I couldn’t get over how connected the eldest was to his littlest bro). I remember it was insanely windy that day and we almost weren’t able to go outside. Not sure how little man put up with all of our antics that morning, but he was just as cute as he could be and I don’t even recall any tears (from him ;-).


Yup, that pretty much sums up this beautiful baby boy and his 6 month photo session. 😉

Oh, and, if you still haven’t booked your family holiday session, be sure to check out the remaining openings left for 2011. Slim pickin’s. Remember, a session is not booked unless you’ve paid the Reservation Fee.

Jul 21, 2011

wb_austin_family_lifestyle_photographer.jpgI literally just sent these proofs off to order and I thought mom would love a bigger peek into her completely relaxed and so very fun photo session. Ack! So many favs, it was hard to choose. There’s just so much adoration and emotion in this family. Now that I think about it, definitely going to have to do a “part 2” post. 

Jul 20, 2011


Two major things in my life have caused me to obsess over the passage of time: my children and my job. When I was younger (and before I had kids), time seemed to move so slowly. I couldn’t wait to graduate high school, I couldn’t wait to finish college, I couldn’t wait to be married, I couldn’t wait to have a baby.

But now I want to put the breaks on everything. Everything is moving much, much too quickly. I just want this merry-go-round to stop for just a second and let me take it all in for a few minutes.

And unfortunately, my job makes me feel this way about my clients, too. I’m sure I must’ve seemed like that annoying aunt that pinches everyone’s cheeks and says, “My, how you’ve grown!” when I saw them again for our session. I was just so overwhelmed with how much the children (well, some of them don’t even seem like children anymore) had changed. See that adorable little red-head in the blue shirt? Yeah. This was him just a few years ago. And the littlest guy wasn’t even a glimmer in mom’s eye yet. But the older two…wow! They are now beautiful and protective and confident and intelligent young adults.

w2_austin_family_photographer.jpgIn her pre-session questionairre, mom wrote that she wanted to document where they were at this point in time: “son taller than his mom, but not dad. daughter getting so pretty and surviving as the lone girl. J being crazy. baby being snuggly.” These words really struck a chord with me. I love how she noticed this important milestone for her family. I loved this little preview of what my life might be like in just a few short years. It makes me both happy and sad. I love when pictures can do both.



I have a true admiration for his mommy’s vision for documenting his first year of life: newborn, 3 months, this 6 month session (more pics below), and I’m proofing his 9 month session as we speak. We have carefully documented each of these incredible leaps every three months–each session very different from the next–and then we put together a beautiful Heirloom Album for each session. I literally gasped when I went back for his 9 month session a few weeks ago and saw the collection of these albums proudly displayed in the living room.


And I just cannot wait to see all five of them together after we celebrate his 1st Birthday. Can you imagine how much fun it’s going to be for their family to sit down together and flip through these albums over the years? I’m jealous. I wish I had the foresight to make something like this for each of my babies.

So, before I go back to his 9 month pics, I’ll leave you with some more from his 6 month session:


Jul 03, 2011


The very first time I photographed her family, I felt so connected to them. Now that they are a family of 5, we have even more in common. Her house is SO colorful and creatively decorated. *I* want to live there. I so enjoyed the very lifestyle nature of their session. It was totally relaxed, no preconceived ideas, we just did what families do…

e-austin-nursing-breastfeeding-photography.jpg…like take a snack break, for instance 😉

e-austin-family-lifestyle-kids-photographer.jpgAnd play airplane and read and tickle and laugh.

e-austin-family-childrens-lifestyle-photographer.jpgSee what I mean? Look at those yummy colors!!!

e-austin-family-portraits.jpgTheir backyard was just as magical.

e-austin-kids-photographer.jpgVery much looking forward to seeing these two play in front of a crowd someday. I can say I knew them when 😉

e-austin-modern-family-portrait-photography.jpgSigh. I was there forever that night. I didn’t want to leave. We were having such a great time hanging out, playing around, sharing stories, and commiserating about the “joys” of having three kiddos. Erin…I know I’ve told you this before, but your family is amazing and you and Adam have done such a great job as parents. I admire your easy-going nature (even if you claim it wasn’t always so). So glad to have you as a friend, my dear.
Jun 28, 2011


Since her newborn session and at 6 months she’s had me wrapped around her adorably chubby little baby fingers. But I’ve become attached to her parents, too…

l2_austin_family_lifestyle_photographer.jpg…and I thoroughly enjoyed exploring their property, where we decided to commemorate her 1 year birthday.

l3_austin_childrens_photographer.jpgOne year of motherhood. And fatherhood…

l4_austin_family_photographer.jpgOne full year as a family of three.

l5_austin_baby_photographer.jpgThey have big plans for this place.  Her daddy says he’s going to build her a tree house right here.

l6_austin_couples_engagement_phhotographer.jpgThey are a wonderfully connected couple.

We were packing up and heading to the car when I noticed this scene…

l7_austin_toddler_photographer.jpg…and then we headed to the house for a few more…

l8_austin_family_lifestyle_baby_photographer.jpgThe one at the top w/ her and her daddy…love (be sure to check out Blake’s beautiful work.) I’d say parenthood looks good on them and they’ve done a wonderful job raising a joyful, charming baby girl.

Jun 27, 2011

This may very well have been the most active session I’ve ever
done…and that’s saying a lot because there were only two people
involved. I think it very accurately reflects where he is in his life
right now, which is *exactly* what his mommy wanted to capture.

First we
flew planes and skateboarded…


…then we played piano overlooking the city…

c2_austin_family_photographer.jpg…followed by more skateboarding…

c3_austin_childrens_photographer.jpg…and snuggles from mom.

c4_austin_family_lifestyle_photographer.jpgThen we practiced some edible spelling…


c6_austin_child_photographer.jpg(I hope he appreciates his spectacular peepers)

…and of course some baseball:

c7_austin_childrens_photographer.jpg(omg, LOVE the tongue).

c9_austin_family_photographer.jpgMore snuggles from mom and then to cap off the evening, a nice bike ride:

c10_austin_kids_lifestyle_photographer.jpgYup. That covers it. We indeed did it all.

I can’t tell you enough how much I enjoyed this session. He reminds me so much of my middle son and it’s been such a pleasure watching this little guy grow up over the years. He and his family are close to my heart.