Archive for 'Austin family'

Sep 12, 2011


Sometimes, you can strip away all of the color and hip, Austin backgrounds and wind up with something so simple, yet so beautiful. A little green oasis tucked away in Austin with a warm, glowing sunrise made for the perfect playground for this family photo session. They looked beautiful!
Sep 10, 2011


I may or may not of squealed in delight when his mama said she wanted his 1 year session to be Mad Men inspired (p.s. have you all seen the new Mad Men collection at Banana Republic? Brilliant marketing, there!) It was a dream, really, and we found the neatest little places around town in which to shoot…Bev gets major bonus points for having the courage to march right in and ask! Hard to believe it was more than a year ago when Miles got to go home for the first time…
Incredible kid and incredible family.
Aug 29, 2011


Even though I’d spent hours going through the images and designing the album, my heart fluttered with both sadness and joy as I flipped through the pages when it arrived on my doorstep. The album features the maternity pictures, his beautiful birth day photos, and his perfect little newborn session (below). While it was incredibly rewarding to see it all tied together like that, it also meant that that particular “trilogy” was over.  I’ve mentioned before that this beautiful family is leaving Austin soon and I don’t know why, but it really hits me hard when I think about it. I’ve been working with them since before the birth of their first baby a few years ago. Feels like I’m going to be saying goodbye to good friends. *Fortunately,* I get one last fix this fall before they’re off to make a new life up north. And equally fortunate, we can stay in touch via Facebook.

Okay. I’m done moping now. Here are a few photos from his newborn session…


Aug 25, 2011
This session had it all…


…three adorable children with a super wonderful, loving mama…

all-austin-family-lifestyle-photographer-2.jpg…family snuggles and special time just for dad + daughter…

all-austin-family-lifestyle-photographer-4.jpg…a piano prodigy, funny songs made up to Nirvana tunes by dad, headstands on a funky purple couch, lush green grass where mom and dad could rest for spell…

all-austin-family-lifestyle-photographer-3.jpg…bikes and wagons…

all-austin-family-lifestyle-photographer-childrens-kids-photographer.jpg…sprinklers and watermelon…

all-austin-family-lifestyle-photographer-childrens-kids-photographer-bts.jpg…and even me! P.S. Remember the story about the bottom left photo? I still laugh about that.

It was such a pleasure to get to capture this family doing all the things they love to do together. Can’t wait to put together their album, too! I LOVE making albums and knowing that the images are going to go together to tell the story…the pictures are going to get looked at and remembered time and time again. Makes my heart happy!
Aug 24, 2011

m_austin_family_child_maternity-photographer.jpgPretty is definitely the first word that comes to mind when I think of this session. This was from way back when it used to rain here. In fact, I think we actually had to reschedule because of rain which was a little risky since they had traveled in from New Mexico. Meg is a VERY busy and VERY talented and now VERY pregnant photographer ;-). I just LOVE her work and I’m so excited to have a new photog to inspire me. We really hit it off and I very much enjoyed working with her. We had actually made plans to get together again in New Mexico this fall, but we have since tabled our RV trip (boooo :-(. I’m so excited to “see” their new baby boy when he makes his arrival! 

Aug 23, 2011


It was the first time they had all been together in many years (we were even joined by her son’s girlfriend). Her children came from/live all over the globe. They are amazing and doing amazing things in their lives. I imagine she is very, very proud.
Aug 15, 2011
Her big bro was a little firecracker. They balance each other out 😉


I’ve really been enjoying lifestyle newborn sessions like this. It’s not about the latest prop or the coolest blanket or headband. It’s about a family just being a family and pulling in elements of their current circumstances into the images so they can always remember these early, fleeting days.


I heard this song for the first time the other day and I couldn’t help but to think of my own life, my kiddos when they grow up, and all of the families I’ve gotten to work with over the years. I’m not one for sappy country songs, but this one got me…and then became the soundtrack while I edited this session…

Aug 06, 2011


Whenever I’m in the shower and she comes in, she says, “Draw a heart for me, Mommy.” And so I do. I don’t ever want to forget moments like this.

Aug 06, 2011


Things you should know about this session:
1. LOVED working in this part of town. It is so rich with color and culture! So happy mom took me up on this idea!
2. We walked. A lot. A whole lot. I’m not good with directions ;-).
3. This little man has got to be the happiest kid on earth! I smiled the whole time while editing his session.