Archive for 'Austin family'
Apr 23, 2012
A little birdie told me that butterflies were among this little beauty’s favorite things. SOOOO, I enlisted the help of my boys to round up a collection of butterflies for their family session. I was so eager to show her my surprise for her, but much to *our* surprise, she was quite afraid of them :-(. Well…she was cool with it when mommy or daddy was holding them, but if one landed on her…oh my. At least we were lucky enough to get that one lovely shot up there.
But my personal fav is the one I caught of dad hanging on the monkey bars. So glad we went to the park so he could have some playtime, LOL!
No really. This has to be one of my most memorable lifestyle family photo sessions from last holiday season and I can’t believe I haven’t shared it yet. Why is it memorable? Because to me, it fully embodies lifestyle family photography with the perfect balance of getting those great smiling images and then those little moments in between. I find that it’s often those little moments that have the greatest impact when viewing the pictures years down the road. Look at the way mom is looking at her baby in the last image…my word, can you feel the intensity of her love?
Rumor has it that I get to work with little sister again for an upcoming commercial shoot for Baby Bugaloo and Gro Boutique! Can’t wait to see how much she has grown!!!!
Apr 06, 2012
When mama completed her client questionnaire, she was quite detailed and had tons of ideas for her session. I like that. It gives me something to work with. We always have the understanding that’s it’s most likely we’ll only get to one or two, but I think she and I were both surprised we checked pretty much everything off her list…and then some.
First on the list: “Welcome to Austin”

Next up: snuggles, togetherness, and painted toes–even on big brother:

Check. Check. Check.
Sidewalk chalk, rainbows, and bubbles:

Check-ity, check, check.
Grand finale: A sign that says “It’s 5 o’clock Somewhere.” ??? That one stumped me. But mom came prepared…

Big ol’ check + the added bonus of a “juice box happy hour” (phrase coined by Dad). I loved it. I absolutely LOVED it!
I mentioned when I posted their little preview on Facebook that I was hesitant to actually even share a certain image. Why? Because that kind of thing just doesn’t happen. It doesn’t. It’s like the Holy Grail of the newborn photography world. And I don’t want everyone to think that I’m magical or something and I can make that happen. I try. Believe me, I try. But this was just pure love and adoration.
While we’re on the topic of session magic and Holy Grails, baby girl may have been the most smiley newborn ever:

Or maybe they’re more like smirks. Either way, I wish I knew what joke she was in on that we were not aware of at the time.
You *might* recognize this family from a few years ago. Big sister wasn’t always so big, but she certainly had the most captivating eyes…even back when. She reminds me of the Afghan girl…she’s got the kind of eyes that you will never forget. Even if I saw her on the street 10 years from now, I would 100% be able to know exactly who she was. Lucky, lucky girl.
Apr 05, 2012
When he came to visit a few months ago, his mommy brought along a fun little surprise: her entire collection of albums we created to represent his first year of life…

Wow! It was really cool to see them all together like that. Our year’s worth of work had come to fruition. And now they can look back on it any time they want. Awesome!
Apr 05, 2012
One day, I’m going to sneak into their home and raid two closets…mom’s and that of baby girl! These two are ALWAYS in the height of fashion and I love seeing what she puts together for them at each session. Also love those beautiful, fantastic curls!
A look back:
Oh yes, I’m old.
p.s. WHOA! My style has changed over the years!!!
Apr 05, 2012
That’s the word that comes to mind when I think of her session. They were ALL sweethearts and you could just tell that these girls loved their parents and were well-versed in having their pictures taken. Mom mentioned that she and her husband were inseparable…I loved that word, too, and it totally showed during our session together. They are so very lucky to have one another and I know they cherish the life they’ve created together for their girls.
Lauren was one of my roomies at the Jinky workshop last fall. I so enjoyed getting to know her during that time and we had been chatting back and forth since then about her desire to capture her family as it is right now. Finally, I think she just decided it was time and by some miracle, we were able to work out a session for her over spring break. We had perfect weather and perfect light, but most of all, her children were AMAZING. It was so cool to watch her boys care for their baby sister, giving me a glimpse into what I can hope for in the future with my own kiddos. Lauren, I had a great time with you all and I hope we captured the moments you had in mind.
I would be lying if I didn’t admit that I was super, duper nervous about this session ;-). I met this little girl’s mommy last year when she drove down from Arkansas to attend one of my professional family photographer workshops. It blows me away to think that almost a year ago exactly, she was just *thinking* about having babies and now, here she is, a full-fledged mommy and is doing an incredible job at it, too!
Anyway, why was I nervous? Well, it was the first time I have ever flown anywhere specifically *just* for a session. I would literally fly in to Arkansas that morning, do the session, and fly right back out that night. So many things could go wrong!!
But…they didn’t.
In fact, it was one of the most magical, incredible, beautiful sessions I’ve had. She was the perfect angel and wow, isn’t her mommy radiant? Her big brother was so kind and attentive to her. Their images just glow with love and peace.
We had pretty much finished for the day and I was going to head out to the airport when Meagan reminded me that the peach trees were in bloom. Okay…yes…we should at least try to take some pictures out in the orchard. Wouldn’t you know it, though, it was supposed to be perfectly overcast that day, but instead, the sun was just beaming down on us–not exactly the ideal lighting conditions for working outdoors. We waited and waited and waited for the sun to go behind a couple of clouds. And waited. And waited. And then FINALLY…a BREAK! I’ve never worked so fast in my life and I’m SO thrilled we got some images out in the orchard. She is indeed a little peach blossom and I hope her mommy takes her out there every year to mark her birthday in that field.
Thanks again, Meagan, for trusting me to do this for your family. It was a pure joy hanging with you that day. You are very, very blessed.
Mar 28, 2012
Yeah. She came to visit me a little bit ago. I tried really hard to tuck her away in my camera bag so mommy wouldn’t notice, but it didn’t work. Better luck next time.