Aug 30, 2017

I just don’t even have the words right now to share hope and inspiration when it feels like all is lost. I’m pretty certain there isn’t a person in the United States who doesn’t know someone affected by this catastrophic disaster along the Gulf Coast. I’m so sorry if my blog has to go dark for a while…I can’t blog sessions right now and be sunshine and roses when I’m feeling so deeply heartbroken and hopeless. I am going to roll up my sleeves with everyone else who is able and do what I can to try to provide relief for those that have lost everything.  I can get behind this idea of creating these Welcome Kits. I would like to try to put some together this weekend and I invite anyone who wants to join me in shopping for supplies and putting them together. Drop me a line if you’d like to coordinate our efforts. I love you Rockport. I love you Houston. I’m just beyond sorry this is happening.

Stepping into this hidden gem really is like stepping in to Wonderland. You never know what you’re going to find around each corner and everything seems disjointed and incongruous, but that’s the beauty of the place. The girls kept going from one little nook to the next, excitedly telling us about what they had discovered. It was *just* enough to distract us from the humidity that day ;-), though you can still literally see the haze in the images…that’s how humid it was!!! I absolutely loved that rainbow dress, too! It stood out so beautifully to punctuate the images in this misty, mystical little Wonderland. Fav mom + daughter pic HERE.

I’m so excited that this gorgeous family blessed with two children with charming, exuberant personalities will soon have THREE children with charming, exuberant personalities! I know mama is doing her best to keep up with these two cuties in the heat and it’s going to be so beautiful to watch big brother and big sister with the new baby. Favity fav HERE.

It won’t be long before we get the good news that baby #3 has arrived. And it is still hard to fathom that this little Maverick has risen from some of the most difficult times this family has ever faced. However, it was nothing but smiles and joy on this evening as we celebrated this incredible blessing (well, except for the part when we had to duck into a building to hide when the tornado sirens went off ;-)…false alarm).  I know his big brother and sister and mom and dad and all the rest of us are very, very, very eager to meet him. One of my many favs HERE, as well as HERE and HERE.

Ironically enough, I first met Mom and their eldest about 5 years ago…the first time I did my Back to School mini sessions…which reminds me…I should dig those pics up because I know he was absolutely adorable during that photo session. I was sad to hear they were moving to Washington state, though maybe a tad jealous of their cooler summers ;-). Earlier this summer, they embarked on an EPIC road trip across the country and I was honored that a family photo session with Pinkle Toes Photography was one of their included stops. We got to do the first part of their photo shoot in lovely park during a gorgeous sunrise. I know we were nice and toasty at the time (and not in a wonderful way), but in going through the images, honestly it didn’t even look like we were even in Austin. My absolute FAVORITE image from that series is HERE. And then, we got to stroll over to get a bit more of the colorful, urban side of Austin to round it out.

I first had the pleasure of working with Georgia when her baby brother was first born and now we are celebrating the start of her Senior year in high school and neither her mom nor I can quite really grasp that just yet. What I *can* grasp is the fact that Georgia has always been a caring, responsible, mature, absolutely stunning young lady and that will serve her well as she begins her adult life very soon. But in the mean time, I truly hope she squeezes out every ounce of joy and fun from her Senior year and takes a little time to reflect and enjoy it. She deserves it!

August 4-6 and 11-13, 2017

at the Pinkle Toes Studio in Manor, TX

Date Preference
Name/age of kids participating

SO thrilled to be bringing the Back to School mini portrait sessions after FIVE years!!! And I’m loving this vintage, classic classroom set! We’ll be indoors (yay!) so we’ll be a bit more flexible on the session times. I will contact you after booking to help you finalize your date and time and provide wardrobe advice. You only need to book one session for your child(ren) and you will have the option to purchase additional files if you choose after you see the unedited proofs. Due to the nature of these mini sessions, fees are non-refundable and not transferrable to another session.

Okay, okay. I know this one is super photo heavy, but #sorrynotsorry. I love it when good things happen to good people and I love getting to document those good things for good people. Let’s take a quick trip down memory lane, shall we? It all started when dad wanted to surprise his then girlfriend with an engagement session with me. And then we celebrated the good news that they were expecting their first baby. And then he was born. I will remember each and every photo session I’ve done with this beautiful family for the past several years (even if I haven’t blogged them all yet…ooops). Somehow, they’ve each remained true to this bright, clean, modern aesthetic even with all of the changes over time.

And now they’ve built their dream home with lovely clean lines and subtle pops of color and INCREDIBLE light (mom is a photographer, so that makes sense) and they have settled into their new home beautifully. And we got to do all of little man’s favorite things like reading stories, playing with construction vehicles, stacking blocks, snuggling, airplane, and making coy model faces at me. He even learned to “toast” and thought that was the funniest thing he’d ever seen. It was just the most glorious morning hanging out. Favity fav HERE. So happy for you guys and the life you have created for each other and that sweet boy!

Doesn’t our little model totally look like she’s at some RV campground in Florida? ;-). Just did a test run for the Retro Pool Minis coming up this weekend and thought I’d share the results. I’ve got a couple of openings left for Saturday, but if that won’t work for you and you really wanted to play, contact me anyway and let’s see if we can figure out another date. Deets and booking info HERE!

UPDATE – SPECIAL ENCORE: July 27, 28, and 30th at the Pinkle Toes Studio in Manor


July 21-23 SPECIAL ENCORE: July 27, 28, and 30th at the Pinkle Toes Studio in Manor

[If those dates absolutely will not work for you, contact me about other options].

Ohhhhhhh! We are breaking out the kiddie pool, astroturf, and plastic flamingos to have an all out retro pool party for the littles and I can’t think of a better way to celebrate summertime! We’ll be working close to sunset (6:00-8:00 p.m.), so keep that in mind when deciding which date will be best for your children. I will contact you after booking to help you select your date and time and provide wardrobe advice. You only need to book one session for your child(ren) and you will have the option to purchase additional files if you choose after you see the unedited proofs. Due to the nature of these mini sessions, fees are non-refundable and not transferrable to another session.