th-pinkle-toes-twins-multiples-austin-photographer-farm-animals-horse-duck-baby-chicksOkay, maybe the idea was a little crazy: three small children (two of whom prefer to crawl in two different directions) + a truckload full of farm animals, but doesn’t matter because it was COMPLETELY worth it. We pretty much had it all that day (including a little lamb which helped create one of my most favorite images EVER) but one animal you will notice that is missing is a pig. We had two of the most adorable little piglets show up that afternoon, but those little dudes are FAST and both the baby humans and the baby pigs were equally terrified of each other. The whole thing was quite comical, actually…trying to corral three children and a bunch of baby animals. We made it happen though and we definitely celebrated the twins’ birthday(s?) in style.