Jan 01, 2013

…and I welcome the opportunity to recenter myself and make the most out of you. This year will be about refocusing on the simple pleasures of life, like the sound of the dryer humming in the background or the way my eldest gets so excited over each and every beautiful sunrise or the downy fur my middle son still has or the feel of my daughter’s warm little body when she climbs into bed with us each morning. I am redirecting my energies inward…to my family and friends and myself. I will only do things that are good for my soul and the outlook of others. I will take pride in all that I do and treat every moment as if it were the last of its kind. My glass will be half full…if not completely full…if not positively overflowing.

This marks day one of my three sixty five: a recreation of one of my most favorite images of my kids ever. I can’t think of a better way to kick this off than by getting back to the very source of my purpose and happiness. I invite you to follow along. I also invite you to share your three sixty five if you’re doing one. We have the gift of 364 more days ahead of us this year. Let’s see what we can do with them.