Sep 27, 2010

t.jpgI was humbled tonight. I haven’t been in her shoes. I never want to be. I never want her to be there again. I choked back the emotion several times tonight because looking at him…just looking at him…(drats, there I go again)–well, all I can say is that we were all crying very different tears just a few months ago.

t2.jpg [That would be Marti, his OT, with him on the swings and in the b/w hug pic. You can read all about what she has done for him here.]

Lyndsay, this is your boy. This is how he is right now. He is a walking miracle and he is loved by more people from all over than I think he will ever fully comprehend.

  • So Amazing! We are all rooting for you T!

  • I just finished reading Lyndsay’s blog! It’s amazing how powerful a mother’s (and father’s) instinct is! So happy and thankful for his healing. (and amazed how strong she’s been through all of it). He has the best mama and family he could ever have hoped for. I think about them a lot! So glad to hear things are finally looking up! What a handsome strong little dude!

  • I’m sobbing. He looks healthy. I so needed to see a photo of him healthy, and I couldn’t do it myself, it is still just too painful after months of seeing illness through my lens. Thank you my wonderful friend for this precious gift. Thank you for spending the evening celebrating him, his angel Marti, our journey, and healing. You’ll never know how much it means to me….

  • Oh Michele….these are just so beautiful in so many ways! Your words made me cry! xoxo

  • Oh my gosh! What a heartbreaking story. And what beautiful pictures. I am so glad he is on the road to recovery. What a scary thing for their family to go through.

  • Wonderful. Just wonderful. He looks awesome, Lynds. Michele- what a wonderful gift you’ve given their family.

  • I am just so, so, so incredibly happy for them. Oh gosh. Now I’M getting teary. I have been following the story since the beginning and am thrilled it’s coming to an end. Much love to all of them and to you, Michele, for capturing these for them. xoxo

  • absolutely gorgeous. i’m taking a big breath for the healing that’s taking place and for the wonderful support behind this little guy.

  • What sweet pictures of my little grandson. I had a picture of Marti in my mind and she looks just like what I thought Teagan’s “angel” would look like. We are so thankful that Marti was there for Teagan when he needed her so desperately. Thank you, Marti, and thank you Michelle for these very special pictures. He looks bright eyed, cute & Healthy!!!

  • Love it! He is gorgeous and his health and the miracle of his recovery are even more amazing. We will continue to keep you and your family on our prayers Lyndsay.

  • …and I’m in tears. Beautiful shots of that sweet, sweet boy. And how wonderful to have those shots of him with his angel, Marti.

  • Carrie Wibright

    You are a blessing to their family!

  • Tears are a good thing ladies…..Lyndsay I’m so happy for your family and I love love love these images. Michele you are an angel!

  • I was wondering last night when we would see new pictures of him. Oh what a wonderful way to start of this day. Lyndsay I’m so happy you & Jason have your baby back! It’s a blessing from God. These pictures are fabulous!

  • Beautiful. So happy to see him looking so well. Still keeping him in my prayers!!

  • Oh Lynds he looks awesome… so glad to see his sweet face! And how perfect that you have a friend as gifted as Michele to capture these moments for you! 🙂 Love you guys!

  • He is such a cute little boy! What an amazing, challenging, and stressful journey, keep doing what you are doing, there is a light, your little one is a beautiful little angel!

  • I don’t know what it is about seeing these, but it is such a relief to see the little duder looking bright-eyed and on the road to recovery. I’m not just a blog stalker anymore. I care about T and their family. I have a 2 2/2 yr. old son. I have enjoyed her personal posts on T and the joys he brings to his family. To see them go through this has been so scary. Thank you for helping him and his family see the joys he brings and paying tribute to Marti (and others) who have helped them on this path. There are mothers (and families) out there that will see this and will find healing and answers from your art. Thank you and I’m praying for their family.

  • …in tears. He looks wonderful! And I love seeing him with Marti…what a very special woman. So happy for all of you!

  • Amazing, has got me thinking. Thanks for sharing.

  • I am in tears… These are so beautiful. What a miracle. Praise God.

  • He is so cute, what a blessing…..makes me want to just hug him. Beautiful pictures.

  • These are beautiful. Marti is beautiful. What wonderful people little man has in his life to stand up for him. The love that surrounds him is fabulous.

  • People all over the world are shedding tears with you that any child should have to suffer any illness… Makes me want to run home RIGHT NOW and hug and kiss my own daughter. Absolutely lovely photos, this is what it’s all about….

  • Duder!!!!! Glad to hear he’s on the road to recovery.


  • Janet Stradtner--Grandma

    I remember meeting Marti in July when Teagan was in the hospital and I came up to help …She was so focused on what he needed and what needed to be done, I was in awe of her knowledge, and just being adament about what questions and tests Lyndsay and Jason needed to have before Teagan was released, plus follow-ups…Thank you so much….Grandma Janet and Grandpa Gary

  • Beautiful Pics! Love the sunburst and the hug and the mommy and me shots! All fab! What an amazing story. So thankful that they shared it with all of us, it was an important one to share. What and Incredible mommy and what an incredible woman and OT, Marti is. I would def want her on my side. And, I would def want you as my photographer to capture these moments. Beautiful capture. God bless them all!

  • The little duder looks soooooooo good! Beeing thinking of and praying for him!

  • Beautiful, truly beautiful! What a touching story and I’m so glad you captured these photographs for her. What a treasure!

  • such an amazing story! such amazing photographs!