Aug 28, 2010


Well technically, it was an early birth. Very early. 12 weeks early. The first time I actually met his mama was while she was in the recovery room…about a 1/2 hr after he was born.

When I got the call that this would be “the day” I was so caught off guard. He wasn’t supposed to arrive until the end of August. This was the middle of JUNE! But it was an emergency situation and he had to be born…immediately. Driving over to the hospital that day, I was so full of concern and emotion and I just kept wondering how in the world these parents (first-time parents) would be able to deal with what was about to happen? I mean, it’s scary enough having your first child, but to get a surprise like this and not knowing how this new little life would manage outside of the womb…I can’t even imagine.

I remember sitting in the waiting room…alone (nobody had time to get there), waiting for some sort of news when a man in glasses strode through the door leading to L&D. He was grinning from ear to ear and perhaps still a little white from the shock of it all. His son was here! He was tiny (2lbs 3oz), but he was healthy and it was an absolute a miracle!

I’ve had only a little bit of experience with preemies, but in that experience, I knew that this new family of three had a long road ahead of them. A road filled with machine beeping and tubes and tests and unknowns and ups and downs and infinite 3 minute hand-washings. While I was supposed to be there to capture the “birth day,” I knew that all of those amazing first moments of this particular birth would be delayed over many, many days (67 days in all). And so I asked them if they wanted me to chronicle this very different birth journey. And so we did.

babym_austin_newborn_nicu_birth_photographer.jpgBeverly (who happens to be a very talented photographer) has allowed me to share the birth of Baby Miles with you all in the hopes that it will help other parents who are in or may someday be on a NICU journey and to generate support for the March of Dimes. After watching Miles’ birth slideshow, if you are so inspired, perhaps you could donate or volunteer? In fact, to help celebrate Miles’ homecoming, I pledge to contribute $1 per comment left on this post (one per person; up to $300) left between now and Sept. 1, 2010 to the March of Dimes.

So here you go. This is Miles’ birth story…from the day he was born…to the day he got to come home. Truly something to celebrate:

[Music by Philip Hintze and “Welcome Baby” by my dear friend Michelle Jamail. Interestingly, I used this same compilation for previous births, but it fascinates me how “Welcome Baby” took on an entirely new meaning here.]

  • Oh my gosh Michele, I had tears the entire time! Absolutely stole my breath away.

  • What a beautiful story.. and I love that you’re raising money for March of Dimes. Thank you for allowing us into such a personal journey with you and your new little family, Beverly!
    Gorgeous photos as always, Michele!

  • That was absolutely beautiful. You captured the arrival and home coming in a way that inspires me to the core. Welcome home baby Miles.

  • Nicole Schmaltz

    Wow – Michele – what a beautiful and touching story you have told. What a gift for this family. You really are so phenomenal at what you do.

  • I am not going to watch this now…because I know I will cry, and cry, and cry. I photographed a women who was no so fortunate to take her baby home with her when he was born early…yet she has chosen to fight back and raises money for the March of Dimes every year! She inspires me 🙂 I know this slideshow will be amazing, and to Beverly and her new sweet family so many congratulations and good lucks….

  • I am blubbering, that moment when she first held hm .I know that feeling all too well. Thank you for sharing.

  • Took my breath away! When I saw her holding Miles for the first time I couldn’t help but cry. God bless this family!

  • Just amazing. :*)

  • Great story and wonderful cause. Thanks!

  • Absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing this family’s special journey.

  • How lucky they were to have your support and a story to remember! I completely support the March Of Dimes, Amelia was early and an IUGR (very small) baby. A lady I had bought nursery decorations from used a pic of Amelia on a banner so she could do a sponsored walk and raise money for the Cause. Thank you for posting this and raising awareness. When you add a personal story (as you have) it helps people to relate!

  • What a sweet family….and Miles is a doll. Congrats to Beverly and family! I am not a cryer….but that got me, especially the first time the parents were able to hold their baby. It is torture to wait. I have been a huge supporter of MODimes since my twins were affected with a rare disorder that led to in-utero surgery and a bit of NICU time. It’s a wonderful organization that does SO much good and uses funds wisely.

  • What an amazing story! How wonderful that it ended so well!

  • The images when she was going to hold him for the first time….I felt like I was standing there too and it made me cry. So real and beautiful. thank you.

  • What an amazing and beautiful journey! Michelle this family is lucky that they were able to have you capture this journey! You did a wonderful job and I can tell that this family will treasure these photographs!
    Baby Miles Grow and Be strong your a wonderful little miracle baby!

  • typing through tears. you told their story so very beautifully. the images of Beverly as she got to hold Miles for the first time were so amazing ♥♥♥ best wishes to this lovely little party of 3. x

  • From the photo of her holding her dad’s hand, til the end, the tears never stopped.

  • There are just no words……I’m truly amazed. Thank you for sharing.

  • So beautiful! One of my FB friends shared this link and I’m happy to leave a comment! Great cause! Love to the parents and little guy!

  • From the mom of a preemie who luckily did not have thee types of challenges before him, I applaud both photographer and family for sharing this difficult life adventure. We are a very lucky family. There are lots of lucky families, thankfully. Please join us in supporting the March of Dimes, it truly is the world to these tiny little beings!

  • Amazing Michele! So beautiful. The March of Dimes has a special place in my heart as well, I’m glad to help raise funds for them. I will be sharing this with a friend of mine going through this right now and maybe, it will give her hope as well. Thank you!

  • Absolutely Beautiful! Like everyone else, the photo of the mom holding him for the first time brought tears to my eyes! Even though they’ve had a long journey, I’m so happy for the family. Miles is so loved. Thank you for raising money for such a great organization too!

  • Truly a miracle!

  • this story is so beautiful and you captured their journey so wonderfully. i’m tearing up as i read in starbucks

  • wow… those are amazing…. i can only imagine how hard that must have been for mom and dad…

  • I cried. Beverly – if you’re reading this, congratulations on such a beautiful family!

  • This is breathtaking! I am so thankful for the two healthy pregnancies I had when I hear stories like this. God was watching over this family and still is! Praying for them!

  • Amazing. Just amazing. I totally lost it when mom held her beautiful baby for the first time. What an incredibly touching birth story. Thanks to mom and dad for allowing you to share something so intimate and beautiful. You work is breathtaking.

  • Amazing! So emotional!

  • Such a sweet story & a beautiful baby! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  • This is incredible… thank you so much for sharing this story and your art!

  • WOW… WOW… WOW… What a blessing. May Miles grow up to be the biggest strongest football player EVER! You can tell that his parents will forever be greatful and give him the world!

  • Gorgeous as always x

  • Absolutely Incredible!!! Seeing her hold her baby for the first time and seeing him look up at her, he knew EXACTLY who she was, took my breath away!!! Our now 5yr old was 5 weeks early so this definitely hits home and Michele you couldn’t have captured their journey more beautifully!!!

  • Fabulous, Michele. I have a friend who had a baby in the NICU for almost a year, so this is super-meaningful to me.

  • simply beautiful.

  • That picture where she first gets to hold him had me crying, pretty hard Ihave to say. The kind of cry you can hold back without making strange noises! Really awesome story and photographs. I am happy that the baby is okay and home now.

  • Michele, I am speechless .. the whole story and how you transmitted it with your photos to the viewer is absolutely amazing!

  • Beautiful, as usual. I gotta say that the first pic of mom holding baby for the first time is the money winner. Instant tears.

  • Beautiful images…beautiful cause.

  • i cried the entire time, this is just amazing. this is why i’m a photographer, you capture these incredible moments and all these emotions fill you up! This is one in a million Michelle, you really outdid yourself with this. God bless their family!

  • Beautiful! The photos of the mom and dad holding him for the first time are so touching!

  • Beautiful images Michele, totally had me on the brink of tears….God bless little Miles and his family.

  • Incredible. That is all I can say.

  • Any birth is an amazing story in itself, but a preemie’s story is even more amazing. Your images of this baby’s journey will be treasured forever. What stunning photos you have captured..especially the one of Mom holding him the first time. My twins were born 14 weeks early, and I remember exactly the moment that I held each one of them for the first time. How I wish I knew then that I could have someone come capture that for me.
    Beautiful. Just beautiful. And what a wonderful thing you are doing supporting the March of Dimes. I pray that some day there will be no premature births.

  • beautiful

  • Wow, Michelle. What an amazing story and what totally amazing pics.

  • wonderful captures, and I am sure your donation will be very much appericated.

  • What a beautilful and prefect story. Congratulations to Miles’ family, he a a miracle baby. Thank you for sharing your beautiful talent, Michele!

  • Beautiful, what a blessing it is for the family to bring their baby home!

  • An amazingly beautiful birth story. Thank you so much for sharing. As a fellow photog and someone about to give birth to our first baby in the next few weeks, I am truly inspired.

  • Those are gorgeous! I am off to go hug my little guy!

  • You chronicled the journey so beautifully. Baby Miles is so brave.

  • Wow so great this family was able to have all this captured for them! So lovely! What a little angel!

  • Beautiful captures!!!I I cried, I can’t beleive how much memories came up from when I went through that similar journey with my oldest daughter now 8yrs. old. She was born 14 weeks (26 wks) early at 2lbs. 3 1/2oz.!!! The part I really cired at was those captures of holding Miles for the 1st time, remembering the time I FINALLY got to hold my little one for the 1st time and I remembered what it was like. I remeber having to wait 3 weeksish or so to fianlly hold her in my arms! You really brought back a lot of memories I had tucked away because it was the hardest time for us 1st time parents going through such an event of an too early birth! She is doing great now, the only thing she needed was some early speach therepy which help catch her up with the other kids her age! Miles is a miracle! He’s meant to be here to do great things with his life!!! 🙂

  • Incredible. One picture is worth 1000 words. This speaks volumes.

  • Wow, how beautiful! Cried nearly the whole way through.

  • “God is Good”

  • so amazing…wow.

  • Beautiful Family. Beautiful Blessing. Beautiful God.

  • i am owe of your talent… photography, writing, parenting style, fashion sense. thank you for the constant inspiration. i love the slideshow of baby miles.

  • No surprise. They are fantastic. Like the rest, cried the whole way through. They will cherish these forever.

  • I have had two preemies, both were not 12 weeks early but I still recall all the emotions that go into have a preemie. Good luck Mama & Daddy! He’s beautiful!

  • So beautiful, and such an inspiration!

  • Thank you Michelle. That was beautiful. What a wonderful journey for them and gorgeous pictures to go along with it

  • oh, this brings back so many memories as my son was born 12 weeks early back in 2007 & spent 68 days in NICU! what a beautiful baby boy and you captured the moments so well! and, the march of dimes is awesome!!!

  • I’m in tears. Thank you for sharing their sweet story.

  • Beautiful images, as always! And what a touching story. The pictures brought tears to my eyes.

  • My preemie was “only” a 32 weeker, but these photos bring back memories. What a gift you’ve given to the family, and your contributions to the March of Dimes are going to support a fantastic organization. Thank you!!

  • Tears are in my eyes. How amazing!!

  • A miracle… Congratulations! And thank you for sharing.

  • Beautiful story & pictures. Definitely brought tears to my eyes.
    And just an aside comment: My sister’s baby was in NICU for a month when she was born preemie just at the beginning of this year. Her hospital allowed absolutely nobody into the NICU except the parents and the grandparents. They wouldn’t let me in to see my baby niece no matter how many requests my sister made. I was in complete shock with the pictures you took because I couldn’t believe you were allowed in!

  • What a gift of hope. Thank you for sharing for sharing this incredible journey.

  • What an amazing story! Your photos are beautiful and have really captured the emotions of this journey. I have been a part of March of Dimes in the past and this post has inspired me to get back involved. Best wishes to the new family!! Welcome Baby!!

  • oh my… the photos of them holding him for the first time brought me to tears also! i was so fortunate to give birth to a healthy baby.. i can’t image what these families must go through. Thank you for sharing.

  • Even though we were there, we weren’t really “there”. Your gorgeous photos help to fill in the blanks. I am in awe of how strong B+D are. Mr. Miles is such a miracle! 😉

  • Your work is amazing. This family is amazing. What a miracle.

  • what a wonderful gift you have given this family!

  • Beautiful. The photo of them bringing him home is absolutely beyond words.

  • Another incredible birth story told in amazing photographs! I would love to share it on the Birth Photography FB page, or better yet, have *you* share it there! Thanks for sharing the story, and for sharing with March of Dimes!

  • How amazing and beautiful that you got to capture this breathtaking journey. Baby Miles is adorable. These images had me in tears straight through! Many, many blessings to this new family!

  • Great story! Pictures tell it perfectly. Loved the sequence when she held him for the first time.

  • beautiful, touching, real… the emotion you captured of mom holding him for the first time… will always be cherished!

  • What an amazing journey!

  • knot in my throat. those images of the first time they held him.. oh my, oh my.. so amazing. loooove this and your work.

  • Love the story and accompanying music. Beautiful!

  • My son was born just over 2 weeks early due to my pre-eclampsia. Even though he was a large baby, he was in the NICU for a week due to some breathing issues. It was very scary. I had to pass babies as small as one pound on my way to his isolette. Amazing the strength these tiny babies have, and the strength these parents of micro preemies somehow manage to find.

  • my son was a 5 yr miracle in the waiting and although he wasn’t a preemie, seeing her cry as she held her son for the first time took me right back to that moment. what a miracle and blessing babies are. thank god they are all home ok. beautiful images

  • Nathalie Stone

    David is my sister-in-law’s trainer, so we heard about this miraculous journey when it started. Our son spent a week in the NAMC NICU. What an amazing, caring staff. Every time we were there, we wondered about the miracles unfolding around us, and prayed for every one of the families. MoD is near and dear to us. Beautiful story in these photos– heart-wrenching fear of the unknown, ending with the sheer joy of finally being whole again. This brought back so many memories… Congratulations to the lucky family!

  • I haven’t even watched the slide show yet and I’m already in tears. My daughter was also a preemie (you photographed her several years ago). All the memories, the scared feelings,and the joy are rushing back. Thank you for using your talent for so much good – not just capturing the joy of our children and families, but for great causes like March of Dimes.

  • Really, really beautiful story. Wonderful images and very emotional. What a wonderful journey to be a part of!

  • I have to echo Emily. The moments you caught of the first time Miles’ parents held him are unbelievably precious and heart-wrenching. It’s so gracious of his parents to share these personal moments and raise awareness.

  • Oh Michele, these are just beautiful!!! I cannot imagine having to wait 1 week to hold my baby:( Jules said you picked the perfect song:) xoxo

  • I am a father, a photographer, and a friend of Bev and Dave’s, and your slideshow put tears in my eyes. Wonderful work.

  • Thank you Michele for your pledge to March of Dimes! I can’t tell you how happy this makes me! And look at all these wonderful comments. My heart goes out to all of you who have had similar experiences. Thank you everyone for taking the time to share your stories.

  • Amie Throndson

    What a journey Baby Miles has been on. He has been so strong and brave and what a little fighter. I’m so happy the family is at home and beginning their story together. All my love!!

  • How could I not comment?! Beautiful images. 😉

  • I’ve seen your photos at my neighborhood Sprinkles and admired them! How wonderful to know that you’re involved with such worthy cause as well! Best of luck to everyone involved.

  • The work you did for dave bev and miles was awesome! Wish i had known about you when we had our kids…Keep up the good work!

  • Vaughn Schultze! What beautiful pictures, and what a beautiful gift that you are giving!

  • Very very beautiful story.

  • David is an old friend of my husband’s, and I first met him and Bev at their wedding! I’ve been amazed by the strength they’ve shown during this journey, and actually seeing it through your photos is such a gift. I’m still wiping away tears. Not only does this hit close to home because of knowing the family, but I’m 28 weeks & 6 days pregnant with our second child, which I think is almost exactly how old Miles was when he was born. I can’t wait to meet him!

  • super special. you can just really feel the love and emotion of miles’ parents throughout this beautiful slideshow. amazing job telling the story, michele!

  • Beautiful. What a wonderful thing you are doing. My daughter spent 10 days in the NICU, i can only imagine what they went through. Miracles. 🙂

  • God’s precious miracles. Parent’s strength and everlasting love. This is so amazing.

  • You are a wonderful story teller…these were absolutely beautiful…Welcome Home Miles – congratulations Ate Bev and Dave… 🙂

  • These are incredible. What an amazing journey you have documented for Bev, Dave and Miles. He is in for a world of love and these pictures so keenly capture that. Thank you so much for sharing!

  • Gorgeous images, you really tell a story that’s beautiful… and somehow peaceful. Thank you Michele for capturing a story and thank you Beverly and David for giving us a peek into the world of really tiny cute newborns. 🙂

  • that was beautiful!!! made me tear up and remember the times my twin nephews were born early and nicu.

  • I had the honor of getting to know Bev and Dave in the NICU, our daughter was also born early at 26 weeks. What a beautiful, touching, very real and perfect portrait of what it’s like to go through this! .

  • jared e thomas

    i am grateful to call david and beverly dear friends of mine and look forward to being a part of their new life with miles. this is such a wonderfully amazing story and it is told so well through these images (not too mention the slideshow and soundtrack!). every emotion of this journey seems to be captured here and i feel as if i’m traveling with them through these experiences. thanks you for sharing. it is very inspiring.

  • Gorgeous work, and an especially nice documentation of kangaroo care (skin-on-skin contact) that is so vital to preemies. Thank you for sharing this!

  • Amazing photos, amazing family, amazing journey! Congrats again Dave and Bev!

  • awesome!!!! we are so happy for you dave and bev.

  • What a beautiful gift it is to have a child–what a gift you two have given the world by sharing your experience. Thanks.

  • Congrats Dave and mrs. Dave. I was a preemie too.

  • This was so touching to me our Grand daughter was in the NICU also for 105 days so we know what it was like . We were so grateful for all the wonderful Doctors and Nurses there. They are what made a hard time in all of our lives easier . The care they give to each of the babies in there was amazing. I am so glad that little Miles is doing so good. What miracles they both are. This was such a beautiful touching show to see. WELCOME HOME MILES.

  • What a handsome and strong little family. I have a feeling mister Miles will be quite a whirlwind when he grows up!

  • Christianne Dangremond

    Wonderful pictures! Thanks for sharing.

  • Absolutely stunning photographic story and I cannot wait to meet Miles in person soon!! 🙂

  • Thank you for sharing this wonderful miracle. What a beautiful story. God bless.

  • Stephanie Murray

    God Bless little Miles. Brilliant story telling!!!

  • Beautiful. My second born (now six) was born at 25 weeks and this brought back memories.

  • Perfect, beautiful, I cried through the whole thing. The slideshow showed the spectrum of emotions that I felt as a parent of 26 week NICU parent. Congratz Bev & Dave.

  • I commented way back when he was born. But wanted to share some more preemie love! We have two preemies Jack (28 wks) and Nora (33 wks). We have been through two incredibly different journeys with them. Thanks to the March of Dimes for their research and support and to the amazing NICU staff we had when our babies were born. Great pictures…they bring back SO many memories!

  • beautiful and powerful to say the least. wishing their family many happy memories to come…what a gift you have given them, Michele.

  • Stephanie Guinn

    Our triplets were 12 weeks early and have been the Ambassadors for the March of Dimes…its truly an awesome organization. And how lucky these parents are to have these images captured for them. I didn’t take many NICU pictures and i wish that I had. The picture of the mom holding Miles for the first time gave me chills. It was a month before one of mine was stable enough to be held and it was a moment I’ll never forget! Welcome home sweet Miles!!!

  • Miles has such an profound story to tell and he cannot even communicate yet, but these pictures communicate more than words could anyways…Pretty awesome indeed.

  • Tatyana Gutierrez

    What a story! Awesome pictures! Baby Miles, please grow strong, healthy and happy and please keep sharing the wonderful pictures of your colorful life!

  • Wow! So touching. Beautiful job.

  • Amazing, totally amazing – thank you to you and the family for sharing

  • So amazing to see the little guy go from such a little thing to looking so healthy ! He’s so cute .

  • Beautiful images! My nephew was in NICU for a few days when he was born and I remember feeling for all the families in there with their little ones. I know Dave and have had the privilege of hearing about baby Miles entrance into this world. I am so happy for Dave & Beverly. Thank you for sharing this story.

  • this reminds me of my daughter when she was born. she came at 28 weeks and was 2Lbs 3 oz, she was very healthy then and now. i was very blessed. i understand fully what they went through. these photos were beautiful.

  • Viktorya Fisher

    That was absolutely beautiful.

  • This is too presious =)

  • Beautiful! Thanks so much for doing this, Michelle, and to the family for sharing this with us.

  • Heather Thompson

    Beautiful. Thanks for sharing. And what a wonderful thing you are doing for the March of Dimes. Such a worthy cause.

  • This is so beautiful. I have loved the past couple of birth slideshows you have shown and can’t wait to see more!

  • Amazing, Michele! You are such a wonderful story teller.

  • Lee Anne Dixon

    I love how Miles openned his eyes looking upward to Mom the first time she held him…it was if he wanted to say “I love you Mom. Thanks for caring so much about me.”

  • Melissa G Trevino

    WOW, This was such a beautifula nd breathtaking way to capture Miles. May God continu blessing him and his parents. God never gives us more than we can handle. AMAZING WORK

  • Thank you again, Michele for your talent and artistry in documenting this special time for my family!

  • “For HIS strength is made perfect in our weakness!”
    …so so priceless

  • What a beautiful baby boy! Congrats to the new parents!

  • absolutely amazing!!!

  • Dangit, why did you have to make me cry. What a gift you have given to them. So sweet

  • Natalie Stanco

    What a beautiful slide show! As a mother of twins that were in the NICU for 8 weeks, my breath was just taken away by what a great job you did capturing the experience. I am so happy that Miles is home and healthy.

  • I just was googling what to wear for portraits and stumbled across your blog. What a great thing to do for charity. Beautiful pictures.

  • I love all of your work, but there’s just something about your birth work that really gets me! These are so, so beautiful and the few photos of the nurse handing the baby over…OMG..I’m tearing up just typing about them! Especially the one of the baby looking up at the mom…priceless. On a random note, I love how the Mom’s dress matched the room when they brought him home! Amazing, as always! And welcome to the world baby Miles!

  • Having just given birth myself, this just completely knocked me for six. My little boy arrived late and I found that tough. I was impatient. But I can’t even begin to imagine how incredibly hard this experience must have been for these amazing parents. I feel embarrassed about all my complaining now. The strength, love and joy in these pictures is so powerful, so humbling… But they also fill me with hope. Thank you for sharing.

  • This is so sweet and tender. You are incredibly generous to donate to the March of Dimes to help fight for preemies. Thank you so much.

  • I was in tears when Mom held her baby boy for the first time. Took me right back to when I held & visited my twins in NICU. Miles is a perfect little miracle!

  • With both of my children I went through a very similar situation. The 1st was born 10 wks early and the 2nd 8 weeks early. Thanks to the research that is funded by organization such as the March of Dimes both my children are healthy. I wish I had had someone capture our story for the children so that they understand just how very special they are. Love the work you did it captured my heart.

  • I can’t even see through the tears to type, let me just say simply breath taking, amazing work…thanks for sharing

  • Wow! I watched and cried, smiled, watched and cried some more. What an amazing story thru pictures. God is great what a perfect baby!

  • You have an incredible gift for capturing all the emotions that surround birth and the journey of sweet Miles. Thank you for sharing. Thanks to Beverly for granting the permission.