
So, I thought I’d acknowledge it one more time.

Now kindly go away, summer ;-). I’m ready for fall now.

  • These pictures are so so awesome. I love the collage and how it sums up summer with children so perfectly!

  • fabulous session, m. So carefree. love the detail shot of the curls

  • Love love love. Curls and water and cute little tummies. 🙂

  • Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! Amazing Michele! I’m the UK, it is currently raining, take our rain, take our cold! We don’t want it!! Please!! 🙂

  • you know that chill you get down your back, and when your heart literally jumps at a photo that just embodies *everything* a photo should be? The black and whtie of the two kiddos on the porch is absolutely perfect…I adore it in black and white, its got *so* much emotion! If those were my kiddos I would have as big a print as my wall could handle.

  • Oh my….I’m glad summer stuck around for a bit! These images are amazing. I love the hose ones and the laid back model pose on the chair! Gorgeous!

  • oh my! these are just PERFECTION! they invoke emotion and nostalgia and they are just SO FREAKING CUTE!